Rich Dark Flake in a 1984 black sandblasted straight Dunhill Shell 4103 Billiard. A cup of freshly brewed black coffee is my drink on this cold and rainy day.
Half way through this bowl of MacBaren Symphony in a slight bent black pattern etched 1979 Lorenzo Lorsan Sigma tilted top with a gray swirl colored stem.
Now smoking Drew Estate Gatsby Luxury Flake in a 2002 smooth natural straight silver banded Ardor Venere Extra Fatta A Mano Maigret billiard, signed by Dorelio Rovera.
Now smoking the best durn tobacco made today: Strang in a 2003 medium bend straight grain Viggo Nielsen Dublin sitter with a Cumberland-like lucite stem. Haven't smoked this pipe in along time, but it's a keeper for sure!