About a third of a pipe left of this bowl of Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania John Cotton’s Smyrna in a black pebble finish straight 2003 Cavicchi C. Fatto A Mano lovat.
A third of the way through this bowl of Troost Slices in an egg shaped medium bend smooth Burgundy colored 1985 Caminetto. A bottle of Sprite is my drink.
It's 12:32 CDT and being Sunday it's Sunday go 'ta meetin time with some Presbyterian in my Danish Stanwell Sterling Billiard in a Tanshell finish. Amen :twisted:
Here's my review of Ogden's Walnut:
I find this to be a very consistent tasting smoke that burns well no matter how I handle the flake. There's a nice subdued natural Virginia sweetness and earth mixed in with the mild earthy nuttiness of the smoky, lightly woody Kentucky burley, which also has a little molasses and brown sugar sweetness. The spice from the Kentucky is very mild. The burley is the lesser component in terms of composition, but there's a healthy amount of it present. A few detect a little Lakeland essence, but I do not. It's not here at all. The topping reminds me of treacle, but I'm not certain that is what it is. Has a mild nic-hit. I also think it's a lighter smoke than the average ratings indicate, more of a medium than medium to full. Full of flavor and very pleasant to smoke, I only wish it was more available in the U.S. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl and has a nice after taste.
About a third of the way through this bowl of MacBaren HH Pure Virginia in a 2003 straight grain Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend freehand sitter. Just about ready to write my review of it.