Happy Dowhnillday to ya! I'm bringing a bit of ODF in a Country Gent along for the ride. Just so you know, we're not going to hit the brakes until we reach quitting time on Friday So, you guys better buckle up.
It's 12:43 CST and having the first bowl of McC's FM2000 in my "new " 1950'S BBB Thorneycroft Apple I just got from Bro Nathan Matia. Oil cured Algerian briar and Red Va are a combo made in Heaven :twisted: :twisted:
I'm dipping into another bowl of Grand Croupier Double Down. Man, I'm having fun with this stuff. Every bowl is different, but not so much that it's unfamiliar. It's unrefined and rough around the edges, but not without charm and it smokes well. So, I thought this Old Rarity would be the perfect pipe for it since it pretty much fits the same description.
Part way through this bowl of Stokkebye English Luxury in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl. Ice water properly chilled along with floaty li'l icebergs is my drink for the rest of the evening. Going to work now.
A couple of minutes or so away from smoking Old Dark Fired in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band.