Just finished smoking Jim's Half Va., Half Burley with dark fired Kentucky in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth straight thin shank and stem with an aluminum band Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica.
Listing this a couple minutes early: Peter Heinrichs Golden Sliced in a 2002 smooth natural straight silver banded Ardor Venere Extra Fatta A Mano Maigret billiard, signed by Dorelio Rovera.
Part way through this bowl of 2013 Rotary Navy Cut in a post WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 Bulldog with a sterling silver band.
Hello everybody from Athens, a sunny day with 21 °C outside.Some shopping in the morning, schedules how i will make some afternoon repairs in my car but i found the time for a Greek coffee plus
Borkum Riff Mixture Special No 8 - Pear Ukraine pipe [meerschaum insert plus mouthpiece and paint work are my additions].