Almost finished smoking D&R VIP in the first pipe Trever Talbot made when he went to France many years ago. It's a smooth straight Algerian briar Billiard bowl with a long Canadian stem, unbranded.
A couple minutes away from smoking MacBaren Burley London Blend in a smooth medium bend 2011 Rinaldo Collection Fiammata Silver Line 7 Odea 4 bulldog with a silver band and a tortoise shell acrylic stem.
Just finished smoking Jim’s C Blend in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant brandy with a leaf engraved silver band and a black acrylic stem. A bottle of Sprite is my drink. Watching Mad Dog Russo.
Now smoking C&D Vieux Carre in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a black acrylic stem. Busy day here!
Half way through this bowl C&D Vieux Carre in a 2003 URAL full bend big bowl egg shaped Lattice meer with a black acrylic stem. Ice tea and bergs is my drink.
C&D Bayou Night in my new custom made Falcon Chimney Bowl. In a day or two I will post the information if you ever want/need a new bowl for your Falcon and YES Viking pipes. This maker even makes custom bowls for the Viking pipes. I'm extremely pleased with the quality, craftsmanship and the way my new bowl smokes. I will make one thing clear right from the start: I never met the craftsman personally and I am NOT making any profit if you decide to purchase a new bowl from this maker. But I will tell you what I paid for the bowl shipped to my door: $35.00, worth more in my opinion. It's made from properly aged Italian briar. I'm posting one picture here and will post others when I set up a new post. I will include the makers email address and you can even design a specific bowl type. The maker even sent me 56 soft pipe cleaners included. Yup, I'm HAPPY :cheers: :cheers: