Half way through this bowl of Bentley The Oriental Spice in a 1970s small bowl smooth medium bend Danish Sovereign XXX 324 volcano sitter with a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking C&D Burley Flake #4 in a 1980s Peterson 314 Full Bend black Sandblast system pipe with a black vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
Just finished smoking Stokkebye Highland Whiskey in a 2013 slight bend grain etched briar John Barrett Volcano with a walnut shank and a black plastic stem.
Now smoking Sam Gawith Medium Virginia Flake in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author. This will get me to dinner time. Waiting for the Red Sox-Yankees game to start.
Relaxing after a wonderful Greek Chicken and potatoes dinner with a bowl of Golden Leaf Anthony’s Shipwreck in a black pebble finish straight 2003 Cavicchi C. Fatto A Mano lovat with a black acrylic stem. Watching the Red Sox-Yankees game.
C&D Bayou Night bulk version in a MM Country Gentleman Pipe. Another great blend that smokes excellent in a Cob. But, this blend smokes best for me on the drier side.
Now smoking Peter Stokkebye Toasted Burley (No.312) in a 2003 smooth medium bend Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville with a sterling silver band and black vulcanite p-lip stem.