Having some evening religion, a nite cap bowl of Presbyterian in another of my fathers Barlings he got in London in 1946, a nice grp 4 sized SB Apple. Loooove these old Barlings !! :twisted:
Almost finished smoking D&R Vengeur Platinum in a 1982 smooth slight bend straight grain Ben Wade Martinique freehand sitter with a wide top and a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking RO Perique Series Blend SV-23 n a 2002 smooth natural straight silver banded Ardor Venere Extra Fatta A Mano Maigret billiard, signed by Dorelio Rovera and a black acrylic stem. Watching Perry Mason.
Now smoking Sir Walter Raleigh in a black 1997 Brebbia Jubilee 925 silver banded grain sandblast briar calabash with a black acrylic stem. Watching another Perry Mason episode.
Last smoke of the day is Jim's Va/Bur in a 2015 Basil Meadows Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica with a smooth straight thin shank, aluminum band and black ebonite stem.
Couldn't sleep, so m'lady and I went out for breakfast, and I'm a quarter of the way through this bowl of Peter Stokkebye Pistachio (No.27) in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a silver band and a pearl brown acrylic stem. Watching The World is Not Enough.
GLP Telegraph Hill Dated 2006
Pipe of choice: New version brown anodized Falcon pipe with a slight bend to the stem. The bowl in use now is the Algerian
Now smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem. A cup of Maxwell House, neat, is my drink. Watching Have Gun, Will Travel.