Almost half way through this bowl of C&D Light of the Universe in a slight bent black pattern etched 1977 Lorenzo Lorsan Sigma level top with a gray swirl colored stem. A bottle of IBC Black Cherry is my drink.
About half way through this bowl of MacBaren Virginia Flake in a late '90s half smooth/half etched freehand sitter, medium bend Nielsen Viggo with a pearl brown acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
Just finishing this bowl of McClelland 5100 in a 1980 Stanwell 668 medium bend with a multi-colored ferrule, half black sandblasted, half brown smooth, rough top with a black vulcanite stem. And it's dinner time!
Relaxing after a wonderful barbecue pork chops and corn on the cob dinner with a bowl of Houston Pipe Club The Heights in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a black acrylic stem. Watching the Pirates-Cards game.
A blend of FOUR different C&D Burley tobacco's aged for just over 5 years in a H.S. Studio sandblasted well balanced very dark brown bowl sitter poker pipe.
An upwards two tone black/brown shank with a bent stem.
Now smoking Peter Stokkebye Toasted Burley (No.312) in a 2003 smooth medium bend Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville with a sterling silver band and black vulcanite p-lip stem. Have enough for one more bowl.