Some Kendal Cream Flake in a Stanwell 30. I actually packed the pipe last night, but got distracted and I forgot about it until this morning. Decided to smoke it anyway. Not the best smoke I ever had to say the least...really dry and most of the topping flavor is gone, but still not a horrible smoke.
Two this am, True burley's from UHLE's PPc in my Ardor SHV111, in my Tim Hynick 20th Anniv. Calabash, CWB Both '08, Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue:
Just finished my second bowl of Sam's fl. '06, in two pipes, in my Ardoe Xmas '03, and my Ser Jac Calabash, and plenty of matches!! :evil: Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue:
Two this am, in my Ser Jac Calabash, Sam's fl '06 parfait with Peterson's 3p, in my Gabrieli Wangee, Dark fl. aro. '03 Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: