My first go around with Tordenskjold Virginia Slices in a Savinelli Milano. It appears to have the same version of perfumey topping, only lighter, as their DaVinci-which I threw in the trash. That mixed with the Brebbia pipe cleaner is making for a rather unenjoyable smoke. Waaaaa.
McClelland 5100 Red Cake in a Orlik Bing courtesy of Ron & Dover P
McClelland 900 Refined Tennessee Ribbon in a Sav dry 3613 courtesy of Dover P
Stokkebye Bullseye in a Hardcastle Diplomat courtesy of Ron
McClelland 2015 VAPER in a Hardcastle Diplomat courtesy of Dover P
All are brilliant quality tobaccos and I enjoyed them very much!
McClelland 2010 VA in a Pietenpauw Brandy
McClelland am pipe in a GBD Rho
McClelland pm pipe in a GBD Rho
These are truly the best lat blends I have smoked. :cheers: