My first ever bowl of Chelsea Morning in a little Hennen scoop, alongside a glass of Don Julio tequila with Gershwin in the background while the children and the dogs play in the yard. Life could be much worse than this!
Recovering from the loss of my laptop with some Black Ambrosia in a Brebbia First Calabash Tan. Other pipemakers need to tumble-upon curving drill bits...this thing takes a cleaner very well. Heineken Lite on the side.
An old Butz Choquin bent bulldog with a replaced stem and some just-opened, seven year old MacClelland Oriental Nr. 14
(THANK YOU, :king: di tutti :king: :king: :king: !!!)
Armellini smooth bent pot made way back when for a chain of US stores & stamped by them (needs the last 2" of the stem opened but otherwise nice) & Key Largo.