Mac Pro Quad Core 2.8 GHz (mid-2010), 10GB RAM, 4 x 1TB HD
MacBook Pro 17" 2.16 GHz, 2GB RAM, 100GB (7200RPM) HD
G5 DP 2.5 GHz, 6 GB RAM, 2 x 1TB HD, PCI-X card w/4 eSATA
A couple of G4s - Dual 1.42 GHz, FW800 "The wind tunnel/blast furnace from hell"
iMac G4 1 GHz 17" - White gumdrop w/flat panel
G4-400 "Yosemite" - PCI graphix
PB G4-400 Titanium
PB G3-400 "Lombard"
These are the ones that are working or at least available, although the Lombard seldom gets used any more. Older models are boxed up in the attic.
Everything's connected on a hard-wired LAN that I installed; none o' this commie pinko wireless crap
Just kidding; wireless sucked back in 2000, compared to what it is today. So, I pulled in CAT5 cable, and since then there hasn't been any reason to go, yet.)
Numerous external HD enclosures, running off eSATA or FW800; a few dozen hard drives, loaded with audio and video.
p.s. YOW! Mr. Green is back! Thanks Jason! :mrgreen: