What are your other Hobbies?

Brothers of Briar

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Fatman":cspmkig9 said:
Hawker your work is very beautiful! I would love to see the file work on the back of the blades.
Here's a picture showing some of the file work & dovetailed bolsters that hold the wood scales in from lifting and a few other randon pic's.


This handle is made out of Wendge wood. Kind of resembles Bog Morta which i would like to get my hands on to try to make a knife handle out of. The steel is ATS-34 that i hand sand using 150-2000 grain wet sandpaper folded over a butterknife then buff with my bench grinder/buffer.

Here's a little better picture of my first 224 Layer Damascus Bowie that i made that shows the random pattern damascus a bit clearer. The handle on this one is Cocobolo with a buffalo horn and brass spacer. The small drop point below it is one i made for a wedding gift out of ATS-34 w/Brass & Bocote handle.
Some very nice knives you have made. That Bowie is amazing! I like the view of the spine of the blade with the file work. The symmetry of the 2 sides' manufacturing work well. As for the wedding gift knife, I really like ATS-34 for a blade. I had a very nice Al Mar folder, got stolen, with an ATS-34 blade. Amazingly sharp blade.

Your leatherwork is very nice as well!

Thanks for sharing :)

My other hobbies are guitar playing and I collect yoyos/like to learn yoyo tricks.

Not your little plastic or wooden yoyos either. These are $65 minimum metal yoyos meant for intense aerial string tricks. :twisted: 

I play music (Serbian/Croatian Tamburica, folk music, as well as rock and roll guitar, bass, etc.), play basketball, lift weights, collect and use fountain pens, roast coffee (that's also a 2nd job I suppose).
...avid reader/student of early American History, Theology, & European History...listening to & playing music(guitars/keyboards)...Cooking... writing...Raising, Educating, & Enjoying my 6 sons; ages 11-30 and 2 grandkids...Pipe Smoking and Collecting...
6 sons ! Must be hard to find time to smoke, I have one and he keeps me busy.
i.keenum":hkhj7dm3 said:
6 sons ! Must be hard to find time to smoke, I have one and he keeps me busy.
Fortunately, all my sons were always enamored with my pipes...My younger ones still sit and watch me load a pipe and especially like to watch me prepare plugs...
I have many hobbies I engage in from time to time, such as restoring many different antique and vintage electrical apparatuses. At the moment it's restoring estate pipes but, one that has been over shadowing most and that is restoring antique and vintage electric fans. Although my condition doesn't allow me to do as much as I use to I still look forward to doing it again soon. Here are some photo's of fans I've done that might interest you.






Cartaphilus you do great work on those restorations.

PeterD: as always, outstanding..in everything you do it seems.  Great trait you have!
Thank you guys, I do appreciate your compliments. I just hope I can get back to doing some more in the near future.
I love restoring pipes but, they don't take as much to do leaving me with of a sort of non-accomplishment feeling, if you know what I mean. Doing one of these fans takes as much as 32 hours, were as a pipe takes maybe an hour depending on it's condition. Here's a Ascorti I restored not too long ago. It was a real mess, filthy and it's bit had a hole gnawed through it and even had mold growing in the bowl.

This one is called The Arabia. She went down in about 1880 (it's on the plaque in the vid). I've been diving for about 3 years now. I take training courses whenever the bank will allow, and practice skills regularly. I dive modified DIR. This has allowed me to comfortably dive to 100 to 130' in water from 34 to 45 F, safely, and get great bottom times. In a wet suit, too. My friends think I'm nuts! All Great Lakes diving. The shipwrecks here are incredibly well preserved, it's an honour to see them.

It's been an incredible time so far. I feel more at home down there than I do up here! Looking forward to the next steps.

If you dive, or are thinking of diving, choosing your school and instructor is a matter of life and death. The regulatory boards do absolutely nothing to maintain safety. This is because they have standards and rules, but do not monitor if they are being followed. It all comes down to instructor choice. Anyone can PM me at any time for advice on how to select one. If you've been diving for years, it may save your life to re-evaluate how you dive, and if there is a safer way, which may include a better instructor.
My other hobby... John Vigor puts it well:
IT TOOK A WATER RAT, in conversation with a mole, to reveal one of the great human truths, which is that “there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

The famous quote comes, of course from Kenneth Grahame’s dearly loved classic, The Wind in the Willows. When Mole shyly revealed that he had never been in a boat before in all his life, Rat, who had offered to scull him across the river, was open-mouthed with astonishment. He was moved to ask: “What have you been doing, then?”

Mole didn’t answer. He was experiencing the bliss, the quiet rapture, that grips many humans also upon their first encounter with a boat.

Rat, undeterred, continued to espouse his love of boats. “In or out of ’em, it doesn’t matter. Nothing seems to matter, really, that’s the charm of it. Whether you get away, or whether you don’t; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you’re always busy, and you never do anything in particular, and when you’ve done it there’s always something else to do ...”

There’s no doubt about it. If you must have an obsession, boating is better than most.

What my friends think I do:

What I think I do:

What my family thinks I do:

What I actually do:

Outstanding dive pix...you da man!  Use to dive years ago in the Fla Keyes and off Miami.  Had a bad experience and never went back except the next day when I went out to "get back on the horse"...hyperventilated in 10 feet of water...dive instructor told me to get out of the water as I was too shook from the previous experience (dragged by  an under water current tube, even with the vest deployed...scarred the crap outta me).  I was through with diving...loved the first 12 dives, though!

Tate...you rock...love the pix that tell the tale.
Goodness, well I'm definitely on the dull side having read what some of you guys get up to, all I really do now is make pipes and try to deal with my children as best I can, that pretty much takes up all of my free time, boring really isn't it.
Briar Spirit":dl95hwu3 said:
Goodness, well I'm definitely on the dull side having read what some of you guys get up to, all I really do now is make pipes and try to deal with my children as best I can, that pretty much takes up all of my free time, boring really isn't it.
Boring? Only boring people are bored. Are you bored? You sound busy, so it must not be too boring. :D 
Tate":wrhzekwq said:
Briar Spirit":wrhzekwq said:
Goodness, well I'm definitely on the dull side having read what some of you guys get up to, all I really do now is make pipes and try to deal with my children as best I can, that pretty much takes up all of my free time, boring really isn't it.
Boring?  Only boring people are bored.  Are you bored?  You sound busy, so it must not be too boring.  :D 
Goodness no, I have far too many things to get done each day to be bored. :sunny: 

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