Personally, I'd go with one of the sample packs from C&D, as you can mix-and-match C&D and Pease blends in a "one stop" transaction. I doubt he needs much in the way of nicotine, though, which would exclude a few of my faves, like Haddo's Delight or Old Joe Krantz! 8) He might like them, but I'd seriously wonder whether those blends might not be a tad strong for a beginner who doesn't smoke cigs -- they both carry a pretty respectable nic hit.
Anyway, I'd get him a five or eight-blend sampler with:
Morley's Best -- burley and latakia with a little bright VA, medium-strength with a great flavor and room note.
Epiphany -- This is C&D 's homage to the original Revelation blend. Top notch flavor, easy to smoke and most people seem to like the room note. It's hard to make it bite, so it's a good starter blend. In fact, I would think it's burning characteristics makes it excellent for beginners who need to learn packing, pacing themselves, etc.
Pegasus -- a traditional American smoke with burleys, Va and a hint of black Cavendish. Mild, semi-sweet and good burning.
Picadilly, Yale Mixture or Westminster -- I think any of these would make a good intro to English blends, though I think Picadilly might be easiest for someone just learning how to pack, light, etc.
Three Friars -- Va, perique and burley. Very flavorful, very smooth. Close enough to a Va/Per to give him an idea of the genre but easy to smoke and easy on the tongue.
If you get the eight-blend sample, I'd also add:
Barbary Coast -- cube cut burley and perique with a sweet liquor topping. It's very popular and VERY tasty without quite being an aromatic.
Odyssey -- The very first time I tasted a Balkan blend I fell in love with them, and IMHO this is the best out there right now.
Autumn Evening -- I think this is the best aromatic on the market (others disagree). It's maple flavored and made from an excellent Va-base, so he'll taste tobacco as well as the sweet stuff.
Also, some people might suggest Haunted Bookshop, which is a straight-up burley blend with hints (small ones) on perique and Va. For some reason, I've never been able to enjoy it at all (just tastes bad to me, which is kinda odd because I LOVE burley). Anyhow, this is a matter of personal taste. A lot of guys swear by it, so it might be worth considering, as well.
Good luck, and let us know how it works out!