The closest I come to eating the same thing every day is fresh fruit and yogurt (or some kind of cultured milk, like
filmjölk or
kefir) for breakfast. It’s not every day, but typically about five days per week.
I cut up two or three different kinds of fruit, usually picked from the back yard garden, depending on what's in season. Right now we have strawberries, blueberries, and Ana apples, but at various other times we have figs, Fuyu persimmons, Moro blood oranges, Dancy tangerines, peaches, boysenberries, cherries, Fuji and Gala apples.
I guess that's one good thing about living in Southern Commiefornia; stuff grows year-round. I supplement with store-bought fruits as needed.
I top the fruit with home made yogurt, filmjölk, or kefir, chopped pecans, cinnamon, and a few dashes of nutmeg. Yummm!
I drink some kind of tea every day: red tea (commonly known as “black tea”), green tea, white tea, oolong, pu-erh...there are hundreds of kinds of tea (
Camellia sinensis)...thousands when you add all the different cultivars...not to mention herbal teas.
I also drink black coffee—not every day, but most days. Typically I alternate between French roast and what I call
frou-frou (flavored) coffee. Sprouts Farmers Market has an excellent organic English Toffee whole bean coffee. I prefer to grind whole beans.
I’m a firm believer in variety, especially where food is concerned. I learned long ago that eating the same food day after day (for me, anyway; YMMV) is an excellent way to develop food allergies. But that’s not advice; everyone’s different.