What has Dock tought us?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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The answer is best summarized by Pipetongue1, who said in a previous thread "I know Dock personally and being his friend and fellow SHPC member, I support whatever he chooses to do with his life, he is a wonderful human being, and I will miss him, good luck mon amis, I hope we meet up down the road less traveled, Ken"
While this is certainly true about Dock, you have to ask if any of the following are also true:
1) If you buy your pipes and tobacco carefully, then you can get your money back.
2) You can have the best tobacco and the most sought after pipes, but nothing beats a Stanwell or the memories of club pipes.
3) I'd rather run 5 miles a day than smoke 5 bowls a day
4) If you move to fast in something, you can suffer from burnout
5) Our tastes change over time
Any thoughts?
you have to ask if any of the following are also true:
1) TRUE, and then some - If you buy your pipes and tobacco carefully, then you can get your money back.
2) FALSE - nothing beats a nice cellar and some good equip to smoke it with - You can have the best tobacco and the most sought after pipes, but nothing beats a Stanwell or the memories of club pipes.
3) FALSE :) - I'd rather run 5 miles a day than smoke 5 bowls a day
4) TRUE - If you move to fast in something, you can suffer from burnout
5) TRUE - Our tastes change over time

I think that one lesson - if you quit pipes in your thirties do yourself a favor and tuck away a few tins, as in your fifties and sixties you are likely to wish you had. Don't worry Dock - I got you covered for a couple of pounds of 20 year old when you come back :)
I find Dock's recent moves as "shocking" and it has got me scratching my head.

The only conclusion, for me, is that he has moved on...

I think of health... valid

A woman.... a diamond ring can cost more than his pipes & tobacco...

Other than that... it doesn't make much sense.

Dock is a "used car saleman"... he knows he could have gotten much more... it seems like a rush job....

just hope it ain't religion.
In life the only thing that remains the same is the fact that nothing remains the same.

Dock is following his heart, I respect him for that,,,,,
Slow Puffs":0dsc9kex said:
I find Dock's recent moves as "shocking" and it has got me scratching my head.

The only conclusion, for me, is that he has moved on...

I think of health... valid

A woman.... a diamond ring can cost more than his pipes & tobacco...

Other than that... it doesn't make much sense.

Dock is a "used car saleman"... he knows he could have gotten much more... it seems like a rush job....

just hope it ain't religion.
Well, he did mention once that he had no emotional attachment to any of his pipes at all. This could explain the 180. If he ends up selling them individually I will for sure buy one. With the promise that if he ever comes back to the hobby it's his for the asking- at the same price he sold it to me for. Kind of like safe deposit.... ;)
I wish him all the luck and support his mission. I used to fit at a stage even held a bike sponsor for road cycling, now, I'm done for but hey, I have made good friends here and thats a major plus for me!!!!
Would not trade it for the world.
It does bug me tho', my health and all, have a 4 yr old son to think about!!!!!!
jhuggett":r90f4e01 said:
He's still around, just gave up pipe smoking.
I sure hope he holds onto some of his stock at least... In case he ever comes back to it. Killer collection he's got.

Yeah, now that you say it, I do remember his statement regarding lack of emotional attachment to his pipes. To each their own though. I'm rooting for him as long as he's pursuing what makes him happy.

Isn't that what everyone wants?

Hell, I've always told myself that I've only got one goal in life, and that's to be a happy old person.
Well, my goal isto be a happy old person still smoking his pipe! After 40 years it is an extension of me. I am emotionally attached to me pipes.

I was shocked when I heard he was quiting.
Happy old person????

I'm training like a mofo to be a grumpy old man....
Looking at the pipes and tobaccos collected and how quickly they were uncollected, I'd say I learned a good deal about "Easy come, Easy go". I thought my collection was something of an investment (in both time & money) and that I didn't take it seriously enough or enjoy it to the degree it deserved, but the recent goings on could put all that in a new light... or not... but it has made me think about value in general.
Slow Puffs":rxw5kgzv said:
just hope it ain't religion.
I do not think that is it, here is a story it might be true or not but it is said that a pope while talking to a priest asked him if he would like a cigar. The priest says "I do not partake of that vice." and the Pope says, "If it were a vice I would not have offered it to you." Anyway whatever the reason Dock quite it should tell us all something about how we can change.
People change, and Dock is young. Not so strange to come to a point in a young life where suddenly a drastic turn away from things takes place. Opinions change, tastes change, priorities change, especially as we leave our twenties behind (give or take a few). Maybe when he's older and the memories draw him back to try again, the hobby will fit better into his life as an older fellow.

I wish him all the best!! :cheers:
I believe that when we reflect back on life it will not be the things we did or had but rather the people we met and the reltionships and friends we made along the way. I don't know Dock but I'll bet he has a passel full of memories and good times with the Brothers of Briar as I'm sure many of you have of him. We all move on with time, sometimes in seperate directions from friends and family, some by choice and some by circumstance but all in all we won't forget what we've had and the experiences shared. If not for BoB I couldn't tell people I have friends in South Africa,
Canada or North Carolina etc. Briar may be the bond but brothers is the real subject.

Dang! sorry if I'm getting too deep here. I'm glad football season is upon us. Time to toughen up the ole mind set again.
A Quote from another forum says it all!

"Nowhere in the world will such a brotherly feeling of confidence be experienced as amongst those who sit together smoking their pipes."
- The Results and Merits of Tobacco, 1844, Doctor Barnstein

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