monbla256":sg4irp19 said:
MisterE":sg4irp19 said:
Lat (as in Latvia)-uh-keeya is how I say it. Some say Luh-tack-eeya.
I think it depends mostly on how many tobacco reviews one writes. :lol!:
YES ! THIS !! :twisted: :twisted:
From multiple online dictionaries. This one is from
Latakia[ lat-uh-kee-uh or especially for 1, lah-tah-kee-ah ]
1. a seaport in NW Syria, on the Mediterranean.
2. a coastal district in Syria, in the W part.
3. a variety of Turkish tobacco.
From Merriam-Webster online:
Main Entry: lat·a·kia
Pronunciation: \ˌla-tə-ˈkē-ə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latakia, seaport in Syria
Date: 1833
: a highly aromatic Turkish smoking tobacco
Main Entry: Lat·a·kia
Pronunciation: \ˌla-tə-ˈkē-ə\
Function: geographical name
1 region NW Syria bordering on the Mediterranean 2 or ancient La·od·i·cea \(ˌ)lā-ˌä-də-ˈsē-ə, ˌlā-ə-\ city & port on the Mediterranean; chief town of the region pop 284,000
In otherwords: blah blah blah.