Ten Russians is a very heavy blend, as others have noted, but I would put Compton's York Full Mixture at the top of my personal list. It doesn't have quite as much lat but -- as GLP so eloquently pointed out -- the lat content doesn't necessarily dictate the effect of "fullness." York Full has a very noticeable nicotine hit but most importantly it is a flavor bomb -- very full and very tasty. It's just a shame it costs a bit more than US blends and can be a pain to have imported....
I also concur with the recommendations for Odyssey. An absolutely superb, full-bodied course of latakia. Interestingly, while most smokers seem to feel it is one-dimensional, I actually detect a lot of complexity (not at the level of Magnum Opus or Wilderness, perhaps, but certainly not a simple blend, either). As the bowl burns down, I detect waves of lat, va, and a couple of distinct orientals that chime in with very distinct notes ... but hey, everyone's palate is a bit different!