What shapes do you dislike the most?

Brothers of Briar

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Any pipe that doesn't have a rounded bottom can be troublesome for me while smoking. as they can be difficult to find a place to sit them. The dichotomy to the rounded shape pipe that I usually shy away from, is the poker shape. While I can always find a place to sit my pokers, they are hard to fit in my wall pipe racks. Because of that, they take up valuable tabletop or shelf space.

One reason I do enjoy having some pipes in my collection that cant forward, is that they can be a joy to smoke in the semi prone position. That is, if the stem is bent to just the right angle. Otherwise, I may end up with a case of the tobacco juice hiccups. :pale:
Kyle Weiss":wlljk8c5 said:
beetlejazz":wlljk8c5 said:
There's something about the saddle stem that is really unpleasing to my eye.

(Of course, now when I said this, it means the next pipe I buy will have a saddle stem and I will love it to bits... :lol: )
Wild and crazy woman. :lol:

This is something we'll have to agree to agree about. :lol:
Shapeless freehand, poker, blowfish, brandy, oom paul, volcano, elephants foot, skater, acorn, pickaxe
Sidebar: Storing oddly-shaped or large pipes seems to be a common problem. Pipe racks are designed for billiards and apples, it seems, sometimes not even leaving adquate lateral space for the familiar bulldog. The solution belatedly dawned on me while I was under protest escorting the missus on a shopping safari. She dragged me into a basket shop. Hmmm, basket pipes. There before me was a plenitude of rustic looking baskets of all sizes in which a fine display of pipes, tobacco tins and smoking odds and ends can be agreeably arranged yet remain easily accessible. Later she dragged me into a Bed n' Bath which had some stackable, dark green, lattice plastic baskets. I bought two. The lower one holds all my non-briar pipes, the top one holds mostly pipes whose unadorned, workaday appearance belies their excellent smoking characteristics. My racks hold my examples of pipely splendor, such as I have. At this point, I'd say baskets are better for storage than racks. In the first place, vulcanite stems seem less eager to oxidize when they're not so much in the sun.

As you were.

Natch":vsk28ug1 said:
This particular shape doesn't do much for me.

Damn Natch, that **** ain't funny! :affraid:

For me, it's most freehand styles because most look the same and pokers that just don't do anything for me. I like bents and I find myself checking stores and Ebay for unusual shapes/designs.
Could you guys who are so hung up on the chubby girl post pictures of yourself in a similar outfit? I bet you'd all look delicious.

beetlejazz":bmpn2tdu said:
Could you guys who are so hung up on the chubby girl post pictures of yourself in a similar outfit? I bet you'd all look delicious. :lol!:
They don't make those anatomically correct. ;) :lol:
beetlejazz":nxkgq9pz said:
Could you guys who are so hung up on the chubby girl post pictures of yourself in a similar outfit? I bet you'd all look delicious.

I usually require payment up front for that. :)
beetlejazz":9c5gpufy said:
Could you guys who are so hung up on the chubby girl post pictures of yourself in a similar outfit? I bet you'd all look delicious.

Awesome reply Ms. Jazz.

Gents, please don't. :no:
Thaks, gravel! :)

Puff Daddy":hz5k2o9t said:
beetlejazz":hz5k2o9t said:
Could you guys who are so hung up on the chubby girl post pictures of yourself in a similar outfit? I bet you'd all look delicious.

I usually require payment up front for that. :)
Do you take tobacco? :twisted:

Gotta love my brothers in the Bordello of Briar. :D
At this point I don't think any pipe shape has emerged unscathed. I woulda guessed it would have been boring billiards vs. frivolous freehands but, no, it's broader than that. Maybe that's why pipe manufacturers market such a wide variety of styles. Something for everyone. How can you make money doing that, I wonder.

The one style that hasn't taken a shot is the stubby, chunky Italian type with the oversize bowl. Usually they are clearly a spin on the traditional billiard, apple or dublin. I don't know that there is a specific name for this style, but I know 'em when I see 'em. I don't mean to cast a "don't like" vote against them, since I have three of same.

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