What starts your morning off right?

Brothers of Briar

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I almost always start my morning with PA and a strong cup of Barry's Gold tea or dark roast coffee in the summer and a mix of MacBaren's Vanilla Cream with added Latakia in the winter. Then it is all over the spectrum!
Other than Nookie, nothing does it for me better than Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and a hot cuppa Earl Gray. :pipe:
Inspired by Winslow's snuff in the morning, I ordered some Ozona Presidents and Packards Club with the Gletscherprise out of stock. No doubt, I am spending too much time in the morning smoking pipes before going to work. What other snuff recommended?
I just ordered a tin of Ozona Presidents 20 minutes ago with my baccy order. Also got a tin of Kendall SP because P&C says it's a good mild intro to snuff. I haven't touched the stuff in 20 years.
I like just old Garretts scotch snuff, dry and dipped. It is readily available, I like Rooster but it is hard to come by down here in Texas
My tin of Ozona Presidents nasal snuff arrived this morn with my baccy order. Holy cow does this stuff ever ream and sanitize the nasal passages! Great stuff!!!
Walnut, PA, Exhausted Rooster or GLP Cumberland with light and sweet coffee very early in the morning.

This morning I diverted to a very nice bowl of Low Country Santee. I just might have to order some more of it.
On my work days I'm usually up around four in the morning, leave the house at five-fifteen and at work by six. Don't get home until seven that night so my "first" smoke of the day is usually around eleven in the afternoon and it is a cigar. On my days off I generally start the morning off with a bowl of Uhle's 232 and then for the rest of the day smoke English blends and cigars. Lately I have been visiting the local B&M on two of my days off (I work a four on four off schedule) for a couple of hours talking to the manager (who use to work at Marty Pulvers B&M in San Fransisco as his tobacco blender and pipe restorer before Marty closed up shop) and enjoying a couple of bowls or cigars. I have lucked out now because the shop is only about a mile down the road from my house.
Winslow":5ssnmbrr said:
I don't smoke until afternoons and evenings,my day is started with coffee and
Gletscher Prise nasal snuff. :bounce:

Winslow :sunny:
I got my first snuff, Packard's Club and Ozona President, Gletscher Prise out of stock, and really like the difference in my mornings.

Thanks for the idea, Winslow.
Herzl":22w1cmuy said:
Inspired by Winslow's snuff in the morning, I ordered some Ozona Presidents and Packards Club with the Gletscherprise out of stock. No doubt, I am spending too much time in the morning smoking pipes before going to work. What other snuff recommended?
I would highly recommend you try the snuffs manufactured by Toque. They are a fairly new company but are putting out an excellent product with about 35 different flavors. Among my favorites are toffee, raspberry menthol, peanut butter, and natural. If you order $18 or more you get free shipping and their prices are better than any of the vendors that handle the brand. www.toquesnuff.com.

Thanks for the tip. In the past two months, I've been on a tear with the snuff: de Kralingse, Dholakia, Friboug and Treyer, McCrystal's, NTSU, Wilsons of Sharrow. I like their Espresso, but the Toque I like enough to want bulk, so far, is the Spanish Gem. I've been exploring with the 10gm tins until I decide what I want in bulk. It's turned out that I'm quite allergic to something in Poschls, so I won't buy those again. Thanks again for the tip.
Proper English for me - like having my cup of coffee over a campfire. Only a hint of tartness - just enough for the morning in my opinion.

Always satisfies, and never challenging (smokes easy, solid flavor without complexity) - good palate cleaner too...

Not my favorite blend as far as excitement or interest goes - it instead holds the place of "solid ground" in my book - a good place to start the day

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