A small pot of Barry's Gold Blend this morning
Thanks BD, I dunno about bags reducing flavour, I leave the bag in for the entire cup, emulating leaving the leaves in a teapot the entire time and normally that's good for me. The foiled EG was far milder than the other two versions that I've tried.Tim, I've heard some claim the use of tea bags rather than whole leaf reduced the overall degree of flavor. And while it's equally possible for the whole leaf brewer to add a bit more while measuring rather that the set amount in a bag, what are your views in general?
Thanks BD, I dunno about bags reducing flavour, I leave the bag in for the entire cup, emulating leaving the leaves in a teapot the entire time and normally that's good for me. The foiled EG was far milder than the other two versions that I've tried.
???That. Is why god made coffee