Myself, a 1984 VW Rabbit GTI, (U.S. version with the rectangular headlights). Got it in 2000. Excellent example of the term "Hot hatchback". 1.8 liter with special 4 cylinder head, stock. Performance exhaust and muffler only mod. done to it. The power to weight ratio was amazing - 4 reasonably strong men could pick it up and take it for a walk, it was so light. Man, did it ever go fast. Got busted for driving 110mph/177 kph and the gas pedal was still 2/3 depressed. Fortunately didn't have my license suspended, copped plea deal instead. Sold it to some kid because needed bodywork and I didn't know any reputable body men 

How about you all? What kind of muscle bruiser did you drive back in the day?

How about you all? What kind of muscle bruiser did you drive back in the day?