What was your worst ever smoking pipe?

Brothers of Briar

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Some itty bitty bowled grabow from rite aid. Hot wet tight draw smoked like it was made of plastic.
Back about '70 I received a full bent pipe with adeer carved on the bowl. When I smoked the pipe it tasted horrible, on every occasion. I put the pipe away and let it set for a couple of years. I'm not sure what happened but it is one of my best smokers today. A full bent with some nice carving made and carved in Germany. Perhaps it needed some time to bloom.
Somebody gave me a Dutch porcelain pipe some years ago. The best tobacco tasted as though I was smoking it in a toilet bowl.
I can't honestly say I've had a pipe go bad on me... perhaps it's just me, but I'm not all that fond of the filter in my Voyageur 126...

I tend to get hooked on a particular blend for a good long while, and at present it's FMATP all the way... I did not get the same enjoyment with their filter in the pipe that I do with any of my other pipes. Who knows, maybe time will tell. I'll light her up tomorrow for a second opinion. For the record, I've never used filters, nor have I found a serious need to.
Have never had a "pipe go bad" on me, but did have a pipe that I just could NOT smoke! I bought one of those Ropp Cherrywood pokers, the ones made from cherrywood that had the bark on them and tried to smoke it for about two months. NOTHING I could do would make that pipe smoke well tatse wise. I was smoking mostly 759 or 965 at the time it made them bothe taste so bad! It finally split on me one day and I just gave up on the concept of a pipe made from anything other than briar, meer, cob, or clay. :p
Surprisingly, every Stanwell I've ever owned, and I've owned about 5 hoping that "maybe this time they'll smoke as well as everyone says they do."
George Kaplan":n7hncksk said:
The one I bought from Tia.
What? You're not into one-hitters?!? :lol: It sure makes your tobacco last a long time, having to reload it every third puff. :roll:

I've got a Stanwell Bulldog that I'm not sure if it's just a bad pipe, or I haven't found the right fodder for it yet. I haven't given up yet, but I'm getting close.

UberHuberMan":xw8fu25d said:
Surprisingly, every Stanwell I've ever owned, and I've owned about 5 hoping that "maybe this time they'll smoke as well as everyone says they do."

Sorry to hear this UHM.

My two Stannys are fine smokers. Maybe I just got lucky.


A large Butz Choquin cobra. It had beautiful grain(stunning actually), fine color, felt wonderful in the hand, impressive shape, and smoked hot, hot, hot, and wet, wet, wet. That evil monster provided a disgusting experience with any tobacco; any time of the day or night.
The worst pipe? Hmmm. Haven't had too many of those. Had a thickly lacquered Viking once that I didn't care for. But that was many years ago. Been lucky I guess. Course I could go on, an say its not the pipe, but the smoker! But that'll garner me few friends. So I guess I'll try to remember not to go shooting my mouth off before my brain is loaded.
Apart from my first crappy basket pipe that I purchased from Walgreen's (which smoked like a rock), the only other pipe I've had a great deal of trouble with was a really nice looking Il Ceppo, sort of a Billiard / Canadian hybrid shape. The problem I found was that the draft hole came into the bowl like a deep divot that ended right at bottom dead center. I've had one pipe carver tell me that there are people who prefer it that way, but in my experience it was just prone to plugging up with a bit of loose tobacco, restricting the draw enough to make it hot, wet and in constant need of a relight. I stared at it longingly for almost five years, lighting it every now and again and hoping that somehow I'd finally become a good enough smoker to tame it's tempermental nature, but it was always a disappointment. If I smoked it twenty times in that period I'd be surprised. I finally traded it to my local shop for an estate Becker & Musico Chimney and a tin of Beacon. Maybe they got the better end of the deal price-wise, but I've already smoked that Becker more times in the few months I've had it than I ever smoked the Il Ceppo. Just smoked it tonight, in fact. Fantastic pipe!
The first Sav I bought (on Ebay) was a little 614. It smoked like hell!! I wouldn't buy Savinellis for a long time after that. I finally did, and learned better. But, I never could figure out why it smoked so badly. I put it on Ebay, and I'm not lying here, I sold it to Mr. Mordechai Ezrati, the owner of James Upshall pipes. He paid, I think, 15 dollars for it, and I can't imagine why he wanted it!
Worst by far was a bent Pete p-lip. It was wet, gurgled and sprayed ugly juices up the stem. Not really knocking the brand. I enjoyed another p-lip pipe a lot -- poker w. mil stem.
Never had a bad smoker.....(looks around to see if something is about to smack him in the head).

Had some bad smoking experiences but that was operator error.