What's your posting history?

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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So what other forums/chat boards do you post on or have posted on in the past? I'll go first.

I was late to the game. Big into cigars back in the day. Joined the JRBB late in '01 shortly before it shut down. That was a wild place!

There were several other cigar boards that I registered with after that happened. Cigar Family and Cigar Weekly were two but didn't post there much. Just didn't feel the vibe. Also later Let's Talk Cigars and Cigar.com. None of them felt right.

And then I learned of Herfer's Paradise where a lot of the JRBB folks went to. Registered there and was a member for many years. Became a mod for the last ~6 yrs. Think I ended that association around the time I joined up here back in '11. HP was like the wild wild west. Flame wars, trolling, and mean spirited posts were not uncommon. BH was there also and he can concur. I got burned out....

Settled here in '11 and never looked back. Not the least of which was the fact I'd grown tired of the cigar thing. Sold virtually all my sticks for pennies on the dollar. So be it.

These days I'm a member on a few other forums but don't post there much. One is a guitarist forum, a private one, and another pipe forum. That's about it.

And you?


Boards or forums are still relatively new to me.

This was the first one I joined. I can’t remember how I stumbled across it but I’m jolly pleased I did. Swinging past here is a little piece of ‘me’ time in an otherwise busy day. The gentlemanly discourse (and the madcap stuff) serves as a great tonic and it’s been a pleasure getting to know everyone.

This board led to a few others, two of which are no longer running and I’m currently posting on one other piping board.

Thinking about it, if I had a board for each of my interests I wouldn’t have time to do the hobbies. There’s a lesson there somewhere, perhaps around balance.


Bloomin’ eck! I’ve just checked my registration date... Feb ‘14! Where did that time go?!?!
I have been on a couple cigar boards, still am but rarely post, spend most of my time on this one since I don't smoke much cigars anymore. Actually had my cigars sent out here and handed most of them out to my guys. The other ones are a lot busier but I prefer the atmosphere of this one, smaller group of regulars makes it easier to get to know people (never was much for large crowds).

I plan to try my hand at making home made soap when I get home so am on a soap making forum for some education on the topic. Was also a member of a straight razor forum in the past and check back there every so often.
I was on a very fun wine forum starting around 2008, but when I had to cut way back on the drinking (not to mention the collecting), that died away.
Fell into this with the JRBB way back when. Was a member on some other pipe board before that but don't remember what it was!! Moved to Knox Cigar, then to here!!
No other pipe/cigar discussion boards. I do belong to a few financial discussion groups, "E-Rewards," and the WSJournal discussion board. That's enough!!! :cheers: FTRPLT
I have been on a variety of forums over the years. I have an active Slashdot account, and I have participated in tech, motorcycling and automotive forums in times past. I am active on a Low Carb/Keto forum.

In terms of pipes, I take part in several forums. I am a moderator at one of the others.
I started all this at JR's, then went to several other cigar boards, MBCL and La Luna to name a couple.  I found CW around 19 years ago and am still active over there.  When I started smoking my pipes again, I found this place and have been here since 2017.  I've been on other boards, automotive, but since I sold my Monte Carlo I gave up on that board.  BoB is my number one board and I try to check in almost every day.
Stick":qb72439f said:
Bloomin’ eck!  I’ve just checked my registration date... Feb ‘14! Where did that time go?!?!
There's a few that's been around here for 12 years.

ftrplt":qb72439f said:
Fell into this with the JRBB way back when. Was a member on some other pipe board before that but don't remember what it was!! Moved to Knox Cigar, then to here!!
No other pipe/cigar discussion boards. I do belong to a few financial discussion groups, "E-Rewards," and the WSJournal discussion board. That's enough!!! :cheers: FTRPLT
I'm glad someone mentioned the old home board at Knox.  

I lived vicariously through my stepfather at Stokers, then Knox, then here.   I've memberships in dozens of forums but theres only 2 that's ever felt like a home.
Been here longer than anywhere. I probably have a couple of accounts that I don't remember other places which shows how much I bother with other places. They never felt like home so..... Only other board I still frequent is a tobacco growing forum that has tons of information on processing all kinds of tobacco pipe, cigar and cigarette.

This was the first pipe smoking forum I joined. After Amphora Red and Sail Yellow were unavailable, I smoked mostly PA and Granger. I was looking for a source for Amphora Red online in 2013 and found mention of an Amphora Match at Pipes and Cigars here at BoB.

I had never ordered tobacco online, but the prices on PA and Granger compared favorably to local (even with the shipping). I got a few other things - Classic Burley Kake was one that sounded good. I got a pound of the Amphora Match, and it was nothing like Amphora. It was a caramel/black cavendish. I realized later that they had sent me Troost Aromatic Match instead of the Amphora Match. The CBK was very good and opened my eyes to the world of online tobacco.

Anyway that was how I set foot in this slippery slope.
puros_bran":bg0t2l68 said:
Stick":bg0t2l68 said:
Bloomin’ eck!  I’ve just checked my registration date... Feb ‘14! Where did that time go?!?!
There's a few that's been around here for 12 years.
I'm sure.  Just couldn't believe I'd been part of the forum for 5.   :shock:
Well, I belong to about 8 pipe forums and 4 other type forums. I post sporadically at best on 2 and maybe 2-3 times a month or more on one, some I have never posted except for the introduction. Life has been a turmoil for about a year now and it's been hard to concentrate on anything except the situation at hand. So please accept my apologies for not checking in often enough. Of course this doesn't mean I'll be back to posting regularly again just yet, gotta lot on my plate still that needs the dents hammered out. ;)
My list is short and likely to get shorter.

B0B was my first pipe forum. I am also active on a Canadian pipes & cigar forum, and belong to a pipe-smoking group and a pipe restoration group, both on Facebook. The FB pipe group is likely going to be dropped as it often wanders off script. I also periodically browse Reddit's pipe-related subs, but don't often comment there.
This is it for me. Life has been pretty busy the past few years, so I don’t post often now. I do lurk about and see what people are talking about though.
I was on several other forums that have been abandoned, Nub, Herfer's Paradise and now visit Puff, Pipes Magazine, and here. The last 45 days at home have been a roller coaster and hope to be more active on here after the end of the month.

This site doesn't seem to be as, mmm, contentious as other's. One must be thick skinned to visit any website forum but I don't need a lecture or mocking on everything. Okay, maybe I do but can't we all just get along and enjoy the information and stories on cigars and pipes without being a total tool.

And that is why this site just feels right. :cheers:
Surely, you have not visited “the rubber room”? We have our share of rows here, we just take em out behind the gym, so to speak lol.
I have been on a few different forums but BoB is the only place I ever got deeply involved with. I'm registered with a bunch of forums but it's just too time consuming to keep up with it all.

As a side note, after all the BS surrounding the 2016 elections and Brexit (FB, Google, Cambridge Analytica et al) I've pretty much stayed off social media. I just use it if necessary.

It's a shame something with so much promise has ended up being used the way it is now.
Been on gun and knife forums since I first got on the internet in around 2000. AR15.com, Bladeforums, etc.

Other interests come and go. When a new interest/hobby comes up, (like, oh, pipes?) of course online forums of like minded individuals are the best places to find good info on whatever it is.

Slovenia is so small we just couldn't mantain a lively forum so I joined a Croatian one and realized there are members from all of ex Yugoslavia. It's quite active except for summer vacation time when everyone is on the Adriatic seaside recharging the body for the next year. There is a parallel one but not very active.
I also visit Volkswagen forum, Survival& bushcraft and also a health & social forum where literally all Slovenia hangs on and discusses everything but other than that I pretty much stopped visiting others and would rather join facebook groups to discuss things from pipes to politics. I also watch YouTube channels.

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