Where do we smoke

Brothers of Briar

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At present I smoke out on the deck of our county apt house. Winter time is making for a real challenge ( don't mind a cigar in the cold, but a pipe just isn't the same) so I have been to a.m. smokes ont he way into work, and sit in my pickup with radio and good Book for a late night smoke. Really looking forward to spring and/or a new chimenea :lol:
I'm very lucky!!! My wife loves the smell of pipe tobacco so I get to smoke anywhere I want. I can't imagin(sp) having to go outsude to smoke LOL. Most of it is while I'm on the puter or on the couch and in comfort :cyclops: :sunny: :sunny:
Puff Daddy":sxu9o1v3 said:
D.J. Perry":sxu9o1v3 said:
:bounce: Here's a short video of "where I smoke" :study:
That was pretty cool! Good choice of music too 8)
Thanks PD.... It was fun to do but not totally easy for a computer illeterate such as myself! :joker:


That is very cool...

I, for one, enjoy your spirit in sharing your pictures. Certainly a wonderfully eclectic collection. It will be interesting to see your collectibles when you are the age of some us, older folks here.
:lol: Paul
Dock: You have to live alone, and I am envious of your collection. I can guarantee that SheWhoSpeaksLoudly, would not tolerate 1/100th of what you have. But, there is a little brightness. I can smoke at home, in doors, even with two strongly Anti sons. First floor, no cigars inside, but porch smoking is fine for cigars. I've tried to consolidate my materials and racks to a small area, but that's acceptable since it forces me to pick and display only those pipes and tobaccos that I really use.

I only smoke in the van, and when alone. I never did smoke while driving when the boys were small. I tend not to smoke if people are in the house, unless I want to force their quick exit, then always 1792, which works wonders for acrid room smoke. I'll take the compromise as acceptable enough.
I have noticed that cigars and Pirate Kake, really should not be smoked in the hamshack. Something about them tends to stick around. So I try to do cigars outdoors.
I guess I can count myself as lucky in that I have always had the luxury of being able to smoke indoors. My gf is a cig smoker and is tryin to quit so for her sake I had quit smokin at her place but she misses the smell so im back to my old habits. My freshman year at college (2002) we were still allowed to smoke in the dorms which was nice and my roomate and good friend would sometimes borrow a pipe and join me. On a side note I had some friends down the hall from me who would ask me over to smoke just for the smell. They were non smokers and just liked the note. Camping is still my fav time to smoke and the smell is always welcome around the fire. As a geology student I was able to spend a great deal of time outside and gereraly speaking most geologest are tobacco users in some form. Again as a side note: Never trust a geologist who not a user of booze, weed or both. :D (For some "weed" only pertains to the green sticky type though I personaly do not fall into this camp, my weed is the legal "evil" kind)
I handled the problem rather simply - I just moved 500 miles south and got some nice patio furniture. With 2 little girls in the house, you can believe my indoor smoking days are over for a while.

I've also recently started smoking in my (not the family) car. It takes some practice, but once you've got a system (assuming you live that long) it's not too hard. With the price of gas these days, though, it might just be cheaper to smoke in a bar. Actually, I moved from NYC where they banned smoking in bars to NC where they seem to encourage it!

I'm pretty much an "outside on the patio; working in the yard" kinda' guy. No inside, no garage, no bad weather, etc. It does mean that I go rather long periods during the winter months "without!!" Such is life!! FTRPLT
I live in Littleton, Colorado. I used to smoke in my office, at home, but have stopped a few years ago because nicotine and tar started accumulating, as a sticky film, over my books and other equipment. I tried to use air purifiers (expesive ones, too) but nothing worked well enough. During the coldest days of winter I still smoke inside, in front of the window with a fan pushing the air out, but I do it much less often than used to. When it's acceptable, say above 40F, I smoke outside. I don't smoke anywhere else inside because the smoke makes the house reek and it's nearly impossible to eliminate. I like Latakia the most, and that pretty much precludes indoor puffing. Oh, well...
I have an area set up in my garage; table, chair and radio where I smoke when it's cold outside. I use a small heater to keep me warm. In warmer weather I smoke on my deck. Fortunately, the weather in NC enables me to smoke outside most of the time.
My wife and I smoke our pipes anywhere we want to inside the house, vehicles, outside on the ranch. We do have one room which is our Pipe room for our pipe collections and other pipe related collectables. Everything in our pipe room is related to smoking including the wall paper and the fouton cover that has pipes on both but our collections have outgrown that room so we now have pipe racks and smoking areas in our master bedroom and living room.

Muleskinner "John"
i too smoke any place i want to at home, and most bars around me are still smoking.
I think I'm pretty fortunate. As long as my wife has known me she's also known my pipes. Thus, she simply accepts pipe smoking as something I do. She has asked that I don't smoke them in the bedroom, but if I'm walking through with a pipe in my mouth she doesn't say anything. And so my answer is that I basically smoke anywhere I want to when I am at home.
Smoking while commuting to Maine, 3 hours each direction is my favorite time to puff away. It turns the commute into a relaxing time instead of being a dreadful bore. I do smoke pipes and cigars at my residence in Mass. in the evening but only pipes while in the house up in Maine. My partner Nancy isn't very fond of cigar smoke but tolerates the pipe. So I consider myself quite lucky. Just wish I had more time to puff as I can no longer smoke at work which was a daily ritual for over 35 years.
I'm in Houston. Most of my smoking is in the garage where I've got a chair and a little set up for reading. Any of you guys worry about blowing yourself up among the various garage-stored chemicals? I think about that every time I light up out there.

If it's not windy, I'll often walk the neighborhood. I have a window unit and a windowed back porch that used to be perfect, but now is a play room for my girls.

In the Summer, my smoking is mostly at the local pipe shop. Smoking doesn't go well with sweaty nights and mosquitos. Although latakia does help with the mosquitos.
OK, now I don't feel so put out any more, knowing that I'm far from alone. I used to be able to smoke inside, and did so, for years. Recently tho, my wife contracted asthma so I cannot smoke in the house any more.
We retired a couple years ago and recently moved to our property in southern VA. We are temporarily living in a mobile home and watching as our new house is being built 150 feet away. It's neat to watch the progress. Right now I'm smoking in our 12 x 14 foot storage shed, which isn't bad as it has two windows and a door for ventilation. I like smoking outside, but it's most always windy here, as we have wide open southwest exposure. BUT...
When the house is finished, I'll be in heaven. I'll have my own den; a finished 12' x 15' room in the basement, with a deep window so I can look out on the field and the woods. it will also have a small high basement sash so I'll have cross ventilation. If that doesn't do it, I'll turn on the furnace fan to blow air into the room and smoke out the window. I can decorate it as I please, and use it for music, reading, etc. while I smoke. The only thing lacking will be a cozy fireplace, but I can't wait to get in there!

- Leroy

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