OK, now I don't feel so put out any more, knowing that I'm far from alone. I used to be able to smoke inside, and did so, for years. Recently tho, my wife contracted asthma so I cannot smoke in the house any more.
We retired a couple years ago and recently moved to our property in southern VA. We are temporarily living in a mobile home and watching as our new house is being built 150 feet away. It's neat to watch the progress. Right now I'm smoking in our 12 x 14 foot storage shed, which isn't bad as it has two windows and a door for ventilation. I like smoking outside, but it's most always windy here, as we have wide open southwest exposure. BUT...
When the house is finished, I'll be in heaven. I'll have my own den; a finished 12' x 15' room in the basement, with a deep window so I can look out on the field and the woods. it will also have a small high basement sash so I'll have cross ventilation. If that doesn't do it, I'll turn on the furnace fan to blow air into the room and smoke out the window. I can decorate it as I please, and use it for music, reading, etc. while I smoke. The only thing lacking will be a cozy fireplace, but I can't wait to get in there!
- Leroy