I would have said freshly blended, straight from the presses at McClelland (ie no aging) #2015. Outside of Dreamland, it would be Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake. I love the flavor both new and as it goes through aging stages. I like that it is a tobacco for dummies insofar as it isn't finicky about hydration levels or how you pack it. It's a solid, if not great, value in tobacco for your buck, and I do feel price point is a significant variable.* It gets along well with every pipe I own. It ticks every box.
I actually thought about something similar this week. I'm not an nicotine addict, and while I do love pipes and smoking a pipe, if I didn't have a tobacco I actually enjoyed flavor wise and value wise, I'd stop smoking. I can count on Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake (for now).
*I received an email update from a retailer today, and their little pice of journalism was about how pipe sizes have changed from "the bigger the better" to the standard 6x2. It gave three estimations why this change, and while they were all good reasons, they didn't touch upon the expense of tobacco today. I was surprised. I know this is for another thread, and maybe even I'm in the minority here, but I feel price point is not something to forget or overlook. If you're smoking a couple bowls a week, it matters less. If you're smoking 4+ bowls a day, you can spend some decent money on pipe smoking. But hey, I'm a frugal person.