Who Has to Smoke Outside?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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I do. And it's freakin freezing. I think pipe tobacco doesn't linger like cigarette or cigar smoke does, but just wondering if anyone else is banished to the back porch like me. I would love to sit leisurely at my computer, sip brandy or a nice pinot and puff away, but I think that would have me banished to the dog house.

I have a coat I smoke in when I go outside and the next day it doesn't smell of any smoke... thinking of starting to smoke inside at lunch while wifey's away to see if she notices when she comes home. Having to smoke outside at night is really taking the fun out of my new hobby.
We have a spare bedroom that I made an office/man-cave. I installed a large exhaust fan in the window so when ever I smoke my pipes it automatically goes out the window. While visiting my brother in Minnesota (a little north/west of St Cloud) a couple of weeks ago I had to smoke my pipe on his back deck. It was 8 degrees and it "warmed" up to 24. I don't see how you guys in the cold country can smoke outside in the winter.
I have smoked outside for many, many years. Makes it rough getting in a bowl in the cold and hot extremes. Next house (assuming there is one!!) will have a well-ventilated "man cave" where I, and anyone else, can smoke inside. :cheers: :pipe: FTRPLT
Me too. I've always smoked outside, both because SWMBO wants it that way, but also, oddly enough, I'm rather sensitive to smoke in the house and I don't like the smell of stale smoke in any house, especially mine.

But down here in the South, it's not bad for 8 months or more, and on those cold, blustery nights, I've got several fire pits around the back woods anywhere from feet to hundreds of yards from the back door (depending on how much I want to remove my self from civilization) some with covers if it's raining, and more wood than I can burn laying about the ground. So it's always a great excuse to grab a drink, my pipe, and head off to the woods for a fire. A win-win for me.

I am so happy that I can smoke inside the house!! Smoking outside in the winter must be hard in the cold weather.. My late wife was a smoker and so am I and have been for most of out lives. If I ever do find another she will know that I do smoke inside but I will get a good smoke eater to take care of "the left overs".
Occasionally I smoke in the house in a room with vaulted ceilings and I have a pretty nice air purifier as well as an exhaust fan. I try to respect my wife's sensitivity to smoke. She likes the aroma of pipe tobacco but is very sensitive to the actual smoke in a confined area. She usually helps us work the TAPS Pipe Show but that is in a very large well ventilated space and the smoke doesn't bother her then. So most of the time I smoke outside or in my building Where I can plug in a heater if necessary. The best smokes that I have are in my car or truck to and from work or when traveling alone. I love smoking while I am driving.
I cleaned up the garage this past summer and made I cozy place to smoke my pipe and a place to clean my pipes. I smoke in my vehicle as well.
My wife is a former cig smoker, but quit cold turkey about 12 years ago & now she is extremely sensitive to smoke, so I can't smoke in the house. I built a workshop a couple of years ago which is where I usually smoke on cold days, I have an extra wood stove that I hope to put in there soon, till then I just have a little electric heater. When nice out I'm puffing on the back patio, front porch or just walking around our 20 acre spread. During the week I usually smoke a pipe in my car on the way home, which I find very relaxing.
:pipe: on Brothers.
I smoke inside but usually only when I am alone. My girlfriend and our son don't mind the smoke, but I try not to smoke around him so much. My girlfriend doesn't mind at all and really likes the smell (except for heavy VA's). She'll smoke from a hookah now and then and finds it relaxing. She loves that I am a pipe smoker...I'm a really lucky guy. :D
In my apartment, I can smoke inside; at my girlfriend's place, I'm limited to the kitchen, and no latakia-heavy blends. (Walnut is as close to English as she can stand.) But I find my smoking style is much better when I'm outside, and no lingering aroma, so during fair weather I often chose to pipe up al fresco.
I have yet to smoke a pipe indoors! I'm renting from my cousin and he said he wouldn't mind if i did but i can't bring myself to do it being that its not my house.

On the other hand its currently about -10 Celsius here(sorry, i was raised metric) and i love to bundle up and walk outside when it is like this. I enjoy the snow and am a huge Christmas fan so i guess its good i'm an Edmontonian!
Before Dylan came along I could smoke inside if I left a window cracked a bit and the wife wasn't around. (she lets me smoke but dosen't really like the smell of burning tobacco) Now, however, with baby Dylan around I have to confine myself to the balcony of our apartment if I want to have a puff and it's getting cold here now so I think I'll be going to the pipe store to smoke now.
I usualy just smoke in my truck. Having people around sorta ruins it if they aren't smoking a pipe. I sometimes smoke pipe or cigars in the house but I don't allow cig smoking inside.
I guess I'm one of the lucky few. I can smoke my inside anytime I wish.
Sounds like I'm in the majority then by having to go outside. I was wondering about this because before if I wore a jacket outside with a cigarette, it would smell like cig smoke the next day. If I wore it outside while smoking a cigar, it would smell like a cigar for days. However, nothing I have smells like pipe tobacco the next day. So I was beginning to think I might not have to go outside with a pipe.
No wonder this hobby is in peril--if most have to go outside just to smoke a pipe.

When I smoked cigars primarily, I limited myself to my "herfatorium" which has a Czonka (or however you spell it) ionizer. Cigar smoke does linger and is stronger than pipe smoke so limited cigar smoking in the house is not irrational.

But, pipe tobacco smells good to most people so I'm surprised that so many are forced outside. My wife has no problem with me smoking a pipe anywhere in the house.
Maybe if the boys would sow up their snatch and duct tape some cohoynes on there they would be man enough to put a woman in her place. I jest a lot but I just couldn't imagine allowing a woman to lord over me.

Aint no wonder all these women are going lesbian... What's the difference.

My advise walk into YOUR home with YOUR pipe smoking, tell YOUR woman that you will take YOUR dinner in YOUR living room. If all goes well you should wake up from YOUR concussion sometime next week. Hehehehehehehe
I smoke inside.
I use an exhaust fan and most importantly, light 3 or 4 candles, works like a charm, even on Latakia-heavy blends like pirate kake.

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