I'm new to this, and haven't been able to appreciate an aromatic blend yet.
The very first tobacco I smoked was Captain Black White from a cob, and I of course butchered it horribly and it bit me fierce. I went back to it with more experience, and while it didn't bite this time, I couldn't enjoy it. There's a real artificial sweetener flavor there for me that I don't like. Same with Lane 1Q. I appreciated the 1Q being dryer, but the flavor was still, to me, weird. There was no blend, if that makes sense. It was as if the flavor of the vanilla was somehow sitting on top of the tobacco, like a slick of oil on some water. There was no happy marriage of tastes.
My great uncle was an avid piper, but gave it up later in life. I only took up the hobby myself this year, after he passed, so I can't ask him anything, sadly. Whatever it was he smoked smelled great, but it wasn't fruity, or even vanilla, really. Maybe a rum. What were the big aros in the 50s-80s?