Who rubs out flake and who just stuffs it in?

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
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Kansas prairie
I've not smoked many flake tobaccos in my day; I remember some Troost slices that I enjoyed, and some Three Nuns coins...not so much. Anyway, I've recently acquired some Orlik GoldenSliced that I'm looking forward to trying, and I'm wondering what I should do. Back in that day the thing was to rub it out, but I understand some folks like to just fold the flakes up and stuff 'em in (which seems contrary to everything I know about filling a pipe). So...opinions? Thanks...
Depends on a couple of factors for me. For one, how dense is the press of the flake? Are we talking Dark Star, Stonehaven, Blackwoods Flake, FVF. Those I rub out. More loosely presses flakes, especially the EU produced VA flakes like Dunhill Flake, Solani 633/660, Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia/Burley Flake, or even the roll cakes, most C&D flakes, all these do well folded and stuffed. The second consideration is how much time I have to smoke. A folded and stuffed bowl will almost always burn more slowly.
I don't prefer either of those methods, I do what I call the smoosh and stuff. I take a flake and roughly squash it to fit the bowl of my pipe. I don't like traditional proper folding as I feel it doesn't allow flavors to meld well, and I'm far too lazy to actually rub it fully. My method gives to slower burn of folding and the flavor of rubbing. But whatever works for the smoker is, as always, the best way to do it. ;)
I use an herb grinder to "rub out" my flakes.  This takes a little more time, but it is worth it for me.  Sometimes I will "stuff" the flakes in a bowl if the bowl is a wide one like some of the pots I have. Like someone said before, whatever works for you.
P.S. Luxury Twist I rub out if it is too wide, chewing gum sticks I fold and stuff.
I pull the flakes apart into long strips and then fold and stuff 'em. Seems to work well for me. YMMV
I usually just stuff and go. Sometimes I'll fold and stuff but usually the flakes are broken up enough from being carried around that I can just grab a wad and cram. Also my flakes usually end up bone dry so they tend to fall apart more easily. I don't notice any real difference in flavor over a full rub but I get a much slower burn. I suggest you try it a few times but let the flake dry much more than you think you should. Over night isn't too much.

IMO, my experience with OGS is that it typically comes at what I consider to be the perfect moisture level right out of the tin. Ogs happens to be great either way. I generally rub my flakes out, but for this particular tobacco the fold and stuff method works great for a longer and slower burning smoke. Just my $.02.
I typically 'Z' fold a flake into thirds across the grain, then roll that along the grain and rough it up a little. Fits well into most bowls, lights well and provides me with a satisfying smoke. If a flake is overly moist I'll most likely rub it out and let it air a little.
Recently I have been rubbing them out completely. It is kind of part of my morning routine now when I smoke flakes. I used to fold and stuff and haven't really noticed much of a difference (although my palate may not be as developed as others)
Stick":gpb2m760 said:
I typically 'Z' fold a flake into thirds across the grain, then roll that along the grain and rough it up a little. Fits well into most bowls, lights well and provides me with a satisfying smoke. If a flake is overly moist I'll most likely rub it out and let it air a little.
This best describes how I do it....
As others have said, it depends on things. Density/hardness of the flake. Thickness of the flake. Preferred humidity of the flake. With McClelland #2035, it was a very dense, quasi-brittle flake. I crumbled that sucker because the leaf wasn't going to let go of itself. It was going to turn into shards of said hard, dense flake. With McClelland #2015, which was a thicker cut of flake, I'd rub it out between my palms or twist it "open" with my fingertips. With Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake and Bullseye Flake, because they are thinner cuts of flake and best just a tad on the drier side of common, folding and stuffing works fine. I actually don't fold the entire flake. I tear a whole flake into five thin strips or so and fold each of those into the bowl. If someone was new to flakes, I'd recommend something like Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake because of how forgiving it is, yet it still can teach you a thing or two about packing technique.
I have tried the fold n' stuff method to no avail. I keep things simple and rub them out. I find it sure smokes much easier. ;)
I prefer to rub them out. For me it seems to smoke easier that way, with less relights. Whatever works for you is best though.

Davy Jones":qea7g7f8 said:
I have tried the fold n' stuff method to no avail. I keep things simple and rub them out. I find it sure smokes much easier. ;)
And that-

swhipple":qea7g7f8 said:
I prefer to rub them out. For me it seems to smoke easier that way, with less relights. Whatever works for you is best though.

My sentiments eggs-ackly!


Always rubbed, just seems to burn better for me. With the flakes I’ve tried both methods I’ve noticed no difference in taste.
Tried the z-fold the first time I tried flake. Can’t remember what it was. Thinking University Flake. Anyway, couldn’t get it to stay lit.

Been rubbing out ever since.

Definitely can’t fold/stuff Full Virginia Flake... don’t ask.
Well I’m not a feared to rub one out occasionally. Then cram it in the bowl and fire it up.

Not real sure that’s what you were talking about or not. So I had to take it in another di rection real quick :lol!:
PanHandler":69z2zhiw said:
Anyway, couldn’t get it to stay lit.
Hey PH. Your folded roll could probably do with a little roughing up. Once I have my roll I grasp it between my thumbs and first two fingers and make an action like I'm rubbing my finger tips together. It's not a flexing / hinging action as if trying to snap a pencil. This loosens things up nicely. Just a thought. :)

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