Why Nike?

Brothers of Briar

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Puff Daddy":tavtruen said:
Appreciating the female form, and the work that it takes to be as fit as the lady in that picture, is respectful and not shameful, IMHO.
"How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman." -Song of Songs 7:1
Puff Daddy":d6fzru7p said:
Appreciating the female form, and the work that it takes to be as fit as the lady in that picture, is respectful and not shameful, IMHO.
Agreed. God created us all in His image. To make an observation that a woman is a thing of beauty is a good thing. To take her form and lust after it and pervert God's intention of that creation is another.

Doc Manhattan":d6fzru7p said:
"How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman." -Song of Songs 7:1
Right on!
Puff Daddy":9lcd35ll said:
Yak":9lcd35ll said:
C.S. Lewis could get together with his friends, smoke pipes, drink beer and "sing smutty" the way college kids did when I was young ("Oh Charlotte the Harlot's the girl we adore/The pride of the prairie, the cowpuncher's whore") without being a "hypocrite" or any the less a sincere Christian.
Appreciating the female form, and the work that it takes to be as fit as the lady in that picture, is respectful and not shameful, IMHO.
Not only the photo, but the ad itself has a positive message. I think that the advertising in the media has bombarded us with impossible images of physical perfection which 99% of the population cannot achieve. It's not reality. The message is one of feeling good for what and who you are and being willing to work on being as good as you can be. Now that doesn't really qualify as pornography does it??
Fascination with and lingering over the laschivious, savoring it, is pornographic.

Here's the deal : when it stays in the right brain where it belongs, as instinctual, it's proper.

When the left brain co-opts it, it becomes depravity. Then it starts taking stronger and stronger stimuli . . . and viagra . . .
the media has bombarded us with impossible images of physical perfection which 99% of the population cannot achieve.
You just made my case. It doesn't belong in "the media." And it never would have been allowed there.

I find nothing in that photo or in that ad to be lascivious. Whether or not it leads you to lascivious thoughts is for you to decide, but to decide that it leads others to it is pretentious, really. And, that kind of thinking is also what detracts from freedom. I kind of like my freedom. I don't think this ad or this thread is stepping on anyone else's freedom or endangering anyone (as I'm not inclined towards perverse, ill intentioned addictions), so I'm rather inclined to think that's quite alright and proper, given the context.

Context is really where you separate appreciation from illness when it comes to the human body, wouldn't you think?
Puff Daddy":9cemwx6z said:
I find nothing in that photo or in that ad to be lascivious. Whether or not it leads you to lascivious thoughts is for you to decide, but to decide that it leads others to it is pretentious, really. And, that kind of thinking is also what detracts from freedom. I kind of like my freedom. I don't think this ad or this thread is stepping on anyone else's freedom or endangering anyone (as I'm not inclined towards perverse, ill intentioned addictions), so I'm rather inclined to think that's quite alright and proper, given the context.

Context is really where you separate appreciation from illness when it comes to the human body, wouldn't you think?
I agree....

I think it is impossible to govern what one considers tasteful or not. Who has the definitive answer to that?? What one may consider pornographic, another may consider art, or another just savvy advertising.

My take on THIS ad is this:

The lady's got a great butt, though perhaps not one which Cosmopolitan magazine would deem worthy. She does the BEST she can to be the best she can be, and she accepts herself for having what others might call shortcomings. She won't let what someone ELSE thinks keep her from feeling good about herself.

As a matter of fact that's what's kind of happening in this thread....

What one person might consider a nice looking woman professing a positive message is considered pornographic by another because the focus is on her butt....

It all depends on who you are.

Anyhow, the Nike Ad people ought to be commended, as this ad has definitely captured our interest- which was their entire point, hahaha.
Both posts, to my mind, pretty conclusively demonstrate that the network of instinctual agreements that made American more-or-less Christian culture what it once was has been sapped by those determined to rot it from the inside and having the time and resources to accomplish this.

The silver lining, IMHO, is that, as in the aftermath of the initial phase of Bolshevism in Russia and the Wiemar Republic in Germany, people finally get a belly full of it and clean house.

Yak":2vm6lpwi said:
American more-or-less Christian culture what it once was
It was also considered oppressive, shortsighted, and dogmatic by many a God fearing man. The vacuum of nostalgia manages to air brush much of the dirt out. Forced restraint by the church on the members saved no more souls for their effort. Is the point to have Man find his way to God, or is it to create a society with morality governed by men who profess higher scruples than the lowly layman? I find more integrity in the man who decides for himself, using his own conscience, than in the man who tows someone else's line.

Makes for good conversation, eh?
Without the "x axis" and "y axis" of common values, there is no deciding what the course should be toward or how to measure it. Even of who "we" are (or aren't). What's right and what's wrong ? Anything goes, drift results and the shoals loom.

Go on all you like about how "oppressive" it was, but the USA, on a Christian foundation, was the freest country on earth. Unlike some, you don't have to base your sense of what the past was like on the lies the educational system has instilled in the younger folk (the same ones the Bolsheviks told the Russian kids). You're old enough to remember it, first hand.

And the more that that foundation has been attacked and laws passed against it, the more we've been reduced to being the feudal subjects of a police state.

The two are as related as recoil is to gunfire. You can't deny it. You've watched both go down, hand in hand. Outlaw the right of free association, and state-enforced bussing and government hijacking of business under the ruse of "affirmative action" quickly follows in consequence.

All the old cliches are true. That's why they're cliches.

Is he a TV guy ?

My tube time (voluntary) (as opposed to being in the same room when it's on) is pretty much Stiller games.

Authentic tolerance comes from the self-confidence of strength.

I can see this road getting bumpy quick... I'll take the chance while I can to bow out of this one before I end up hip deep in the muck :)

To each his opinion, fight to the death for your right to say it, etc, etc - but here I just like to feel the leather of the chair and watch wisps of smoke rise and fade - debate over the police state clashes with the decor :)
All of this because of an ad featuring a girl with a nice butt,,, :scratch:
That girl's butt is nice!!

You guys want to get all serious and turn it into a political discussion, that's pretty silly, IMO, but she is smokin'!!

Carry on. :p


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