Winter Smoke

Brothers of Briar

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Lol. I love reading about single digits and lake effect snow. It reminds me how good we have it here in the south. I have hickory logs ready for my fire pit. We start the fires when it gets below 60 degrees. :)
Im a proud Michigander..... when the weather gets nasty I wrap up in my navajo blanket and tough it out!
I love Michigan in the summer. Macinack Island is one of my favorite places to visit. I would love to visit in the winter and ride the trails on a snow machine.

Cold is ok until it goes into the teens.
I had a thread going re: indoor tobaccos for the indoor smoking season. I've been puffing a few Pipeworks aros and several pipers recommended McC Fragrant Mature Cake, which have gotten decent reviews from herself.

The firepit idea is intriguing, especially if you invited over a few friends to share the facilities. A few guys sharing pipes and beers around a backyard fire could encourage your missus to be less, um, proprietary.

My fav alternative when My Own Dear Heart says, "Eeew, don't smoke that in here," is to simply close the door to my computer room/office and open the east and southern windows a little for ventilation. I'll avoid the heavy duty Lats, in deference.

You command, I obey, dear. Or seem to ;)
Re: cold weather. If the good Lord had intended us to live in such areas, we would have been born with fur, not buck nekkid and he would not have made the Mason-Dixon line :p So from yhose two facts, it's obvious one is SUPPOSED to smoke indoors when it gets cold :twisted: :twisted:
idbowman":9izeq17n said:
I live in the Cleveland area, and spend most of the winter dealing with lake-effect snow right off of Lake Erie - so I hear you!

I'm not forced to smoke outside, but believe it or not, I quite enjoy smoking outdoors on those really bitterly cold evenings. Granted, I do it by choice and can always retreat indoors, but FWIW if you don't want to feel confined to your car or a garage, build a fire pit! Even when the wind chill takes things to single digits, a nice backyard fire warms you that combination of a hot fire in a frigid atmosphere makes pipe smoking a whole new experience. The only "work" involved is clearing a space in the snow for the fire and a place to sit (and yeah...that can be a bit of an undertaking at times, to be sure).
I hear ya. I'm in the Snow Belt, southeast of Erie. I like taking walks on winter nights. It's one of the things that kept me smoking cobs over the past several years. When it's dead calm, temperature hits the singles, the skies are clear, the only natural noises are the trees popping, and the snow under your boots sounds like styrofoam ... a pipe beats the hell out of a cigar.
I smoke outside or in the garage. In North Louisiana it can get in the teens and on rare occasions single digits. But on average the winters are mild.

A couple of years ago I called a friend up north to wish him Merry Christmas. He was taking a break from shoveling snow. I was walking by the river in shorts and a tee-shirt....

Summers on the other hand can be brutal....
While there is something magical about smoking a pipe while taking a break from shoveling snow, I detest winter and that magic wears off real fast...

I move inside to a comfortable space in my garage/workshop. I move in a patio chair/stand/lamp and a small heater. But, by the time February rolls around, I feel like a prisoner. It does make using matches easier...

I'm on the patio this morning here in Maryland. A rare warm day to smoke outside, albeit wet. But is nice to hear the birds and nature. These days are fleeting and I savor every one.
riff raff":p6tmbhyb said:
While there is something magical about smoking a pipe while taking a break from shoveling snow, I detest winter and that magic wears off real fast...
amen! I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that true winter weather (ice, sleet, snow, etc.) lasted from Dec 24-Dec 26.... :santa:
I love winter and (despite only being 120 miles south of New York) I hate that the winters here are so much milder than they were where I grew up. I much prefer to smoke outside, but during the coldest months I just smoke in my little shop. I have an old chair, a space heater, a radio and I wireless internet. Though I am that guy that will bundle up in three sweaters and sit on the deck in the middle of a snow storm when the mood strikes.
SteveauxI hear ya. [b:ilwlorby said:
I'm in the Snow Belt, southeast of Erie.[/b] I like taking walks on winter nights. It's one of the things that kept me smoking cobs over the past several years. When it's dead calm, temperature hits the singles, the skies are clear, the only natural noises are the trees popping, and the snow under your boots sounds like styrofoam ... a pipe beats the hell out of a cigar.

Whoa! That's serious Winter country. Went to H.S. there. Drove to school in a Fiat with a heater that only worked in July and August and was missing the little rubber seals in the floor for where the clutch and brake linkage went through. Since the car got colder the faster I went, I think the missing seals were a nefarious plot of my fathers to moderate my driving. Haven't been as cold since.

I can imagine a pipeful of tobacco on a cold, still winter night would be awesome. Its the -10 nights with a 40 mph wind howling out of Canada that sends a shiver through me. I love the idea of the fire pit, though!
I spent my childhood in Minneapolis, moved to CA when I was fourteen. I don't have to deal with real winter anymore, but I still miss the snow and the white Christmases. I don't enjoy the privilege of smoking indoors yet ( -Infant in the house, and apartment living) But someday I'll have a smoking room to retreat to when it's raining and windy.
Even though I live in Texas it can get a bit cold, 20's to 30's and I smoke outside all year round. Some days I have to put the Carharts on to stay comfortable enough to enjoy my smoke and coffee on the front porch. All the years of driving a truck have left me with poor circulation so, when it's only 50 outside my feet are at 30. Thankfully the wind we have here 90% of the time doesn't affect me too much on the porch, so it's a safe haven from it. I do this, smoking outside that is, so that the house doesn't get stenched up and the walls don't turn brown. Because for years I've always smoked indoors but, the smell and funk it left on the everything I just couldn't stand anymore. And for the 45 years I've been smoking I have never like the dirty ashtray smell smoke leaves. I know that must sound strange coming from a guy that smoked Camel non filters most his life but, my nose has always been more sensitive then most. I'm kinda like Radar O'reilly who can hear them before their there, I can smell it before it's smoke.

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