WTF (penzance rant)

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2014
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I just my one time notification from smokingpipes for an 8 oz bag. I've been on that list almost a year! It reportedly sold out in less than thirty seconds! How is that even possible? And it's more than likely some of it will be on eBay tomorrow for ridiculous prices.

I got some in a trade from a BoB brother here, and it is good. Maybe not kick down a down a door in a ski mask good, or pawn your TV/ wife's jewelry good. I'm just saying I've seen more albino leprechauns than bags of this for sale in the past year. I can't believe they make so little of it that it can't stay on shelves more than a few days a year.

Ok, I feel a bit better now. I just got excited when I saw it was on sale. I thought I had a bag reserved or something. Would have made great bombing fodder.
Jevverrett":fw36xx1b said:
   I just my one time notification from smokingpipes for an 8 oz bag. I've been on that list almost a year! It reportedly sold out in less than thirty seconds! How is that even possible? And it's more than likely some of it will be on eBay tomorrow for ridiculous prices.

   I got some in a trade from a BoB brother here, and it is good. Maybe not kick down a down a door in a ski mask good, or pawn your TV/ wife's jewelry good. I'm just saying I've seen more albino leprechauns than bags of this for sale in the past year. I can't believe they make so little of it that it can't stay on shelves more than a few days a year.  

Ok, I feel a bit better now. I just got excited when I saw it was on sale. I thought I had a bag reserved or something. Would have made great bombing fodder.
If you've never tried it don't worry, it's nothing special at all, tastes like any other run of the mill Lat blend to me. Very disappointing to say the least. Get ya some Pembroke, it's better and cheaper most the time.
Same here, poof, and it's gone.

I swear to Gandalf, I will create something like it.............

As Smaug as my witness...........
Ya, I hear ya Jev.

I've come to understand that when SP gets in a rare blend like Penz, it's a pretty limited quantity. Might be only a dozen or so bags. And thus it sells out right now as those on cell phones get notifications and place their order within literally seconds of notification.

However, this also usually means that other e-tailers have just/or will soon receive their allotment. So it's worth checking around.

I've stopped chasing the Unicorns of the 'baccy world, as it's too little too late, and life is too short.

Plus, I have to agree that Penz isn't all that. It's reputation is bigger that it actually is.



The last time I smoked Penzance I picked up a tin off the B&M shelf and bought it for probably 7 or 8 bucks. It was an okay smoke and I enjoyed a tin every month or two. When it stopped being on the shelf, there where plenty of other Lat blends to choose from. I never really thought about it as a loss. Marketing makes the world go round.
I bought an eight-ounce bag at least three years ago. It's great stuff, but I still have about three ounces left, and it's not because of any conscious rationing; it's just that there are so many others that get my attention, apparently. I did just grab a Ramsgate bag, so that should further delay my depletion of the Penzance. Plus I think I know a logical way to get Penzance that I've never seen mentioned, in the event of my ever wanting any more. On an adolescent level, my normal state, I think it's hilarious that it sells out in seconds.
I gave it up when every pipe forum in the universe simultaneously decided to horde and hold the stuff.

I'll smoke Odyssey and call it a wash.
I can't get past the burnt rubber taste I get every time I smoked it...and yes, I am familiar with the taste of actual burning y'all don't need to worry about me trying to buy it(no offense to everyone who enjoys it). I do wish Tilbury was easier to get though.
The main problem is that Germain can only produce so much with the equipment and manpower that they have. That makes supply very limited. While most of the stuff Germain makes is really tasty, I can't say that it makes up for the scarcity. My advice: snag it if you see it, but otherwise there are plenty of good tobaccos out there to try. Don't get hung up on the unobtainable stuff.
Jevverrett":lku9vzrv said:
I'm just saying I've seen more albino leprechauns than bags of this for sale in the past year.
J, where did you see an albino leprechaun?
puros_bran":rcxhgw9a said:
I gave it up when every pipe forum in the universe simultaneously decided to horde and hold the stuff.  

I'll smoke Odyssey and call it a wash.
I agree, Odyssey is fantastic.

I enjoy Penzance. In the world of Latakia forward blends, I'd rate it quite high. That said, its reputation is outrageously trumped up. One can't help but be disappointed when actually experiencing smoking it.
No I rather enjoyed smoking it before people were bit by the retard bug. It was actually my all day smoke for a few years.

I know this sounds hipster but.. When I started smoking it people would gift it to me all the time because very few people liked it. Then one morning its gone off every shelve on 7 continents and the moon because some ****** somewhere said it was "hard to find"... The best and worse thing to ever happen to pipe smoking was the internet.

I remember pops ordering all the way from New York cause no one else carried Penzance. Took a month to get it, get the catalog order form, mail a check, wait for the package. I also remember how fast my moneyed aunt would flee the area when she smelled its blessed smoke. Cig smoke thick as fog with a low cloud of greenery haze below it and that was fine.. But one whiff of "that dreadful pipe tobacco" and the biddy would be crying to go back home to California. Lol.
Dutch":oyyqdw2r said:
Jevverrett":oyyqdw2r said:
 I'm just saying I've seen more albino leprechauns than bags of this for sale in the past year.
J, where did you see an albino leprechaun?
At a hippie music festival in upstate New York some years ago before I had kids. Come to think of it, that whole weekend was a debauchery. So maybe not haha. I think I also tried to climb up on some dude and his girlfriend to get a better view of the stage. It was pouring, and they were huddled together under a rain poncho. I thought they were a rock lol
Don't believe the hype!
It's "ok", not great. I had a crap-ton of it jarred up before all the nonsense of hoarding and price gouging started. I'm sure it will calm down after the next "big thing" comes along and all of the youtubers, bloggers and forums hype the ever loving **** out of it.........

Life is too short to obsess over tobacco that is just :"ok". There are plenty of blends out there that are FAR superior to Penzance,
Several people missed the fact that OP said he actually does like it. Best way to get it is probably ask your local B&M to order it. I got a bag that way once, though he charged $50 for it.
Tis hard to get/find; but quite replaceable with any number of fine Latweed blends. Disclaimer...I do like the stuff, but no more than several other Latweed blends. I have some jarred plus an 8 oz. Mylar bag from 2009 sittin' on the shelf. Doubt I ever buy any more :no: :cheers: FTRPLT
Thomas Tkach":dw1p4qbi said:
Several people missed the fact that OP said he actually does like it. Best way to get it is probably ask your local B&M to order it. I got a bag that way once, though he charged $50 for it.
It seems people forget, too, that tastebuds are different for each person. 90% of my tobacco is Latakia stuff. Penzance ranks quite high on that list, and that was decided far before the hype on it picked up. I have 2 lbs of the stuff, and I'll likely never see anymore until that hype dies down. Though, I must be honest, I rarely look for it simply because I don't have time to give to the search. I'm actually surprised, perhaps baffled is a better word, anyone has time to do such. My time is worth more than a great tobacco.

I suspect the hype for Penzance and Stonehaven is nowhere near the end. It's been going for five years strong now. This is a much different beast than the Gawith FVF shortage.
It's good. Damn good! But never available. At the end of last year I made a few big purchases, almost all esoterica sold out... Now, 9 months later, looking to buy again still sold out. Oh, well... I believe Quiet Night's gives Penzance a run for its money and better yet, it's not impossible to get.

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