Your Go-To Summer Blends

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
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Okay, it's been awhile since we had a survey: What are your three favorite blends for the warmer weather??

I have three year round favorites - Wilke 400 and two DIY blends (Benediction and Bear Caw), but to these, besides always trying new things, I supplement with seasonal favorites in the Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This summer my three Go-To blends are:
Ashton Gold
GLP Regent's Flake
John Patton Oriental Dusk (sometimes straight, sometimes for a morning smoke I go with a batch I made that added 5% Golden Cavendish)

Not even sure if the those who change it up by season are a majority or minority among the Brothers here. I'm also afraid somebody's going to talk up something I haven't tried yet, and then there's another one to add to my TAD list.!!
I can't say I fancy some specific blends over others during the summer period. I'm not even sure if, subconsciously, I even select a specific genre of leaf over others. In any case, I do have a few favorites of the moment: Dunhill Three year Matured Virginia; G & H Brown Flake Aromatic and G & H Kendal Dark Shag. When I'm done with these I could either carry on with something similar or completely different.
Well, I switched off from OJK on my morning drive to work about 3 weeks ago to P.S. LTF. For the ride home it has always been any va. per./va. or. My after diner smoke could almost be anything...mainly an English and then before bed it could be anything. I've been trying to knock my jars down from what I pick from but with about 80 or so its going to take time. I have figured out I like the straight va. and va. per. blends the most followed by English.
There was a similar thread last Fall about favorite blends for Autumn. Someone pointed out then that in California where the temperature variation for most of the year is within a 20 degree range, smokers are not affected by seasonal conditions. Those who smoke mostly indoors or in a climate controlled vehicle are also not likely to be swayed by outdoor weather conditions. I should also mention that my morning routine of a medium-mild Burley with coffee remains unchanged throughout the year (also a separate thread on favorite blends with coffee). But so far the results are:


Davy Jones​
I don't change much during the year. My morning blend with coffee is almost always burley. Night time is when I experiment with English or Balkan blends or vapers. My 3 year round favs are still Urban Cowboy, Hobbits Weed, and Benediction.
These "seasonal" threads are always an enjoyable read!! That said, I stick with my usual routine of Burley, an aro, and/or Ginnyweed in the mornings while transitioning to Orientals/Balkans/and English blends later in the afternoon and evening. As the day goes on, the blends/choices become more "Latweedy!!" FTRPLT
I smoke the same blends, but the taste is clearly different with the addition of more humidity and maybe even barometric pressure. I feel virginia blends get thicker/denser with more body and nuances. To a slightly lesser degree, burleys follow suit, and on really hot and humid days, they can almost be overbearing, which is good some days and not other days. In the coming summers, I think I'm going to really miss D&R's Picayune because I love when it wallops me in the buds. I hope he brings that back in some similar form.
I’ve been smoking GH flakes nearly exclusively since sometime in early May. The last big GH drop, I got between two and four ounces of maybe eight or 10 different blends: Best Brown 2, Brown (and Dark) Flake aromatic and unscented, Coniston Cut Plug, Glengary Flake, brown Irish x, Kendal Kentucky… I went through the flakes really fast.

Via some wheeling and dealing, I was able to restock the dark flakes, and also get a chance to acquire several more new-to-me GH flakes.

Those Lakeland flakes, man… they really hit the spot. I know some folks suggest lighter fare for the hotter months. But I need some substance!
Summer to me means Burley blends. And since l can't get the real Pipeworks & Wilke Nut Brown Burley any longer the one to get is the phenomenal John Patton Storm Front…only from 4 Noggins. There isn't a better burley blend out there for my money. Then, picking just one GH blend as a Lakeland side dish I'd have to opt for Broken Flake #7. And for dessert I'd gladly pick Rivendell from the Country Squire. Those are my top three.

I’m with BH, summertime is all about the burley for me. Wessex Slices and ABF are perennial favorites but harder to come by these days. Two easy to get unsung heroes are C&D’s Shandygaff and Redburn. And to make it an even five I’ll second Storm Front, just a lovely blend and wildly affordable.
A few other Burley choices for consideration:
Watch City Slice/s, MacB's Golden Blend, and GLPs Union Square. FTRPLT
Summer to me means Burley blends. And since l can't get the real Pipeworks & Wilke Nut Brown Burley any longer the one to get is the phenomenal John Patton Storm Front…only from 4 Noggins. There isn't a better burley blend out there for my money. Then, picking just one GH blend as a Lakeland side dish I'd have to opt for Broken Flake #7. And for dessert I'd gladly pick Rivendell from the Country Squire. Those are my top three.

Have not tried the other two but Rivendell is top notch and so is the CS Choctaw. Unfortunately I am out of both but may put in an order soon.

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