GLP Triple Play the last of a tin bought in June 2022 in a GBD 9493 Prehistoric pot. I like this blend enough to have 2 more fresh unopened tins stashed. Just got through talking with an old friend for an hour. It was good to catch up.

Maybe mix it with the Melange?Smoking an Oldenkott with Granger and a Martinson k-cup. I like this tobacco,Smokes well,no bite.I guess these old codgers were pretty smart years ago...
It is! A faded puke-green truck at that lol.74 Chevy truck?
What we going to call it.Good afternoon gents. For an afternoon smoke thought I would try a little blending experiment. Tossed out about half a bowl of St.Patrick's Day Reserve, added a couple pinches of black cav, then a small pinch of GLP Quiet Night. In a Randy Wiley freehand bent dublin. So far, pretty good. Think if I made up a batch of this and let it meld for a few weeks it could turn into something very good.