I've been in hibernation for the winter! As I am an outdoor piper, it's just been too stinkin' cold to stand outside, or even to sit in the shed. I've had maybe 4 pipe sessions at the cigar lounge by my work, but it's not very convenient to my schedule, plus I always have to buy something there to pay the rent on my butt in their chair.
Looking at a week of 70°+ temps this week, and I'm working from home today, so I think a pipe will be certainly had today.
I've also had time to think about pipes, and I've come to a slow realization that 'sublime smokes' come just as often in cobs as briars, and with $7 pouch tobacco as $25 tins. So I might just enjoy the pipes I already have on my rack, and stop chasing after the 'perfect' flavor of tobacco. I ordered a 7oz can of Velvet the other day to stock up. It was the first tobacco that I really liked.