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Brothers of Briar

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Smoking some John Patton Storm Front in a Cayuga Rhodesian.
I have never seen a pipe of that shape, without one or more concentric rings on the outside of the bowl.
You are correct. Rhodesians and bulldogs usually do have rings. This one, from Paul's Pipe Shop in Flint, MI, didn't have them, however. I suspect that the bowl was not given rings because the bowl is not shaped perfectly, it is kind of off balance. It is a second that I got at a good price.
You are correct. Rhodesians and bulldogs usually do have rings. This one, from Paul's Pipe Shop in Flint, MI, didn't have them, however. I suspect that the bowl was not given rings because the bowl is not shaped perfectly, it is kind of off balance. It is a second that I got at a good price.
Is the end of that stem (bit?) meant to facilitate clinching the pipe with your teeth?
If so, and that is what you use it for; how effective is it?

{I am curious because of my intermittently shaky hands.}
Is the end of that stem (bit?) meant to facilitate clinching the pipe with your teeth?
If so, and that is what you use it for; how effective is it?

{I am curious because of my intermittently shaky hands.}
It can be used for clenching, but I rarely clench it with my teeth because it a mid weight pipe and, at my age, I only attempt to clench lightweight pipes.
I picked up the missus at the airport in Louisville as she returned from a week of visiting family in Plano, Texas. I'm so glad to have her back as is Jacksie now that his world is restored to normal. I am now relaxing with Wilke 515 Double Shot in a 1994 Peterson's Sherlock Holmes smooth Mycroft with tapered vulcanite fishtail stem. I'm enjoying a cold beverage and listening to Tito Puente's Greatest Hits on Spotify.
Good morning, BoBs. Thunderstorm last night, like there wasn't enough rain and wet, mosquitos started popping out last week, too. Perhaps we can get a meteor strike or an earthquake to make it truly apocalyptic... summer in Manitoba weeds out the weak quickly.May be similar in swamp areas of Florida, Mississippi.I can never keep Fahrenheit straight, but it was 26C with 90-95 % humidity all day. Working early days agrees with me because I don't have to struggle through the late day heat and sun. Mad dogs and Englishmen...

Father's Day here, I don't know if it is celebrated in the UK. I'll got out to Dad's plot to have a smoke with him and pay my respects after I get my Breakfast of Champions. I'll set up my bedroom AC when I return home, all I have is a portable. 🥵
Happy Father's Day to the Dads out there. I just finished up the midnight shift at work and had some Taster's Choice coffee with this 1970s L.L. Bean bent pipe with the "Smokemaster" filter system in it. The tobacco is my new favorite I've been smoking the last month and a half, Cowboy Coffee. Love this stuff!


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Good morning BoBs. Having Urban Cowboy in a Pete system B42 smooth bent apple with CR morning coffee. Heading to the Legion soon. Wifey helping the Auxiliary ladies serve breakfast for Father's day and our rider group has our monthly pool tournament over at the post in Dewey. So only time for one bowl. See ya'll later. Hope everyone has a great day.