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Brothers of Briar

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Happy Father's Day to the Dads out there. I just finished up the midnight shift at work and had some Taster's Choice coffee with this 1970s L.L. Bean bent pipe with the "Smokemaster" filter system in it. The tobacco is my new favorite I've been smoking the last month and a half, Cowboy Coffee. Love this stuff!
Ralph, if you like Cowboy Coffee you should try Choctaw.
Dug the Kerry Wathen free hand out this morning. I’ve had it since new in 1979. It’s big and heavy with a somewhat small “chamber” and it doesn’t balance well
. It was a popular design in its day. I like burl more than straight grain consequently it’s less than my favorite. Decent smoker with a mug of strong black coffee.
Howdy BoBers. A bluebird day up here Alaska way. Currently rocking some Scottish Cake in a sandblasted Castello 55er. Got some well aged Marlin Flake on standby; planning on loading it into a Stanwell Nanna Ivarsson designed bent dublin. The smooth half bent dub has a killer conical bowl that is great for Virginia mixtures and flakes. Shoe-wheatness. Hope all you fellas are having a great Father's Day. I raise a steaming mug o' sludge noir (neat) in homage to all you dads being great dads out there. Cheers!
Wrapping up the day with a bowl of Star of the East in my Falcon meer. Had a bowl of Epiphany at the cemetery, came home, cleaned and polished the car while I had another. Dad was a car guy and a pipe guy. I bought the Brigham in his memory.


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It's a comfortable morning, but today is going to be a scorcher here in the Bluegrass. This will likely be my only smoke of the day. I'm enjoying KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jensen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem. I'm drinking Folger's Colombian and reading A Peculiar Glory by John Piper.
Good Afternoon my friends.
I have just gotten home, after spending the entire weekend at my Sisters. And a wonderful weekend we had too. But unfortunately the pipe was not allowed, although I did manage to have a few crafty bowls in my inherited Fathers old Dunhill vest pipe, when we were out in the evenings. Kind of apt really seeing it was Father's day.
Now that I'm home, and in my den, I can now have a more leisurely smoke, so it will be Rangers Urban Cowboy in a Butz Choquin Rodeo. And I wish you all a great day my friends 😊
Dunhill pocket vest.jpg
Good Afternoon my friends.
I have just gotten home, after spending the entire weekend at my Sisters. And a wonderful weekend we had too. But unfortunately the pipe was not allowed, although I did manage to have a few crafty bowls in my inherited Fathers old Dunhill vest pipe, when we were out in the evenings. Kind of apt really seeing it was Father's day.
Now that I'm home, and in my den, I can now have a more leisurely smoke, so it will be Rangers Urban Cowboy in a Butz Choquin Rodeo. And I wish you all a great day my friends 😊
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What splendid pipes!
Good morning and happy Monday, friends.
On my walk this morning, I stayed basic and enjoyed around one third of a bowl of SWR Aromatic in my MM cob.
It has once again become windy and chilly here in the high desert. Here's hoping summer returns and stays. Had a nice Father's day, bought beer for my father inlaw and the family went to a nice dinner. Went home and talked with a friend for a few hours before retiring to bed.
Good weekend.
Starting the somewhat hot morning with C&D Steamworks 2024 in a GBD Prehistoric pot number 9496, and this pipe brings out more good tastes from the blend. I sought this number based on something GL Pease said about GBD pot shapes. Having some ice water from a Father's Day gift. These are a whopping $14 at walmart, hold 64 ounces, and it retained ice overnight in 90 F temps.

Starting the somewhat hot morning with C&D Steamworks 2024 in a GBD Prehistoric pot number 9496, and this pipe brings out more good tastes from the blend. I sought this number based on something GL Pease said about GBD pot shapes. Having some ice water from a Father's Day gift. These are a whopping $14 at walmart, hold 64 ounces, and it retained ice overnight in 90 F temps.
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Is the water flask
Another Ranger Product 🤣
Is the water flask
Another Ranger Product 🤣
@Zippo it could be, and I thought of Ranger107 after posting and thinking of those hot Arizona days. Lovely Mrs. Swede got me this after the old Igloo 1/2 gallon plastic thermos was leaking on me around the lid-missing a gasket, and you can't find a replacement gasket.
Good morning BoBs. Starting my week with Urban Cowboy in the big Don Carlos bent dublin and a mug of cowboy coffee. Pretty good day yesterday. Got a free breakfast at the Legion for Father's day. Had a nice ride to Dewey although a bit warm. Pool tourney didn't go as well as I had hoped. My partner and I won our 1st 4 games which put us in the playoffs, but lost the last 2, both by 1 ball. 1st because my partner got a bad leave on the 8 ball, 2nd because I had a really tough leave on my ball. I made the shot but scratched, leaving them with only the 8 to make. So close but no cigar. Have a great day everyone.
Carter Hall is currently rocking the casbah in a MM Cobbit. Brilliant combo. Got some locally roasted bean juice working - neat- in my new Father's Day coffee mug I got from my daughter yesterday. The mug is also locally made and it's unique, super funky and really cool. Widespread Panic is low key jamming on the tube amp. I'm thinking there's plenty of reason to go full panic excepting for the fact that it's an epic blue bird day. Fishing is in the air. Believe me when I say this is a big deal after a long Alaskan winter and an unusually cool summer so far. High of 65 today - gonna be a scorcher. Alrighty then - here's to the day, Brothers of Briar.