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Brothers of Briar

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Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and have passed the first third of this bowl of year 2018 Solani 633 in a straight 1954 patent Dunhill 148 Group 3 black shell bulldog made for the France market with a black saddle vulcanite stem. It's raining so we brought Daisy the Feral Princess in because she knows how to behave around our cats even though they don't like her. Abner the Eager, Harry the Hairy and Tomato the Brave are somewhere outside.
That bowl in the Anton & Co. lasted almost 2 hours. Had Smooth Black & Gold Cav, from Sutliff. It's quite sweet but it wasn't at all goopy. The scotch was good ,too. I'll see you all tomorrow, got my new washer and I'll have some moving and laundry to do. Just as well, another 30+ degree day. We get days like this and the humidity pushes the humidex above 40C. Still don't think I'd trade it for some of the heat you guys experience. G'nite BoBs.
Up later than usual, and I've stepped outside for my 1st smoke of the day. It's still warm outside. I'm enjoying Wilke 515 Double Shot in a Peterson Dublin Edition 999 bent Rhodesian with vulcanite fishtail stem. I'm drinking Members Mark Colombian Supremo Decaf k-cup coffee. I've been on a chess kick lately and I'm watching a chess video.
Good morning,
Smoking a Pete 606 (straight pot) Casey Jones hero`s blend,mug of 8 o`clock coffee. 77 degrees and cloudy with rain on the way. My wife had a chat with me last night about getting a lawn service in to do our property, I am not happy about it,but she`s right. My back has not been good and the heat has been getting to me...
Don't worry mate I have had to do the same unfortunately, just means to the neighbors you are really well off IMO :D
Good morning BoBs. Up early since I have to be at the Legion by 9. 3 Honor Guard events today. Almost through a bowl of CS Choctaw in the Butz Choquin magnum bent brandy with a 2nd mug of coffee. Going in soon as this is done. Rained just enough yesterday afternoon to bring out all the freaking gnats and no seems. Tired of fighting them and the tobacco seems to attract them. Have a great day everyone.
At least the buggers don't bite mate (y)good to have some rain though I bet.
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Passing the first third of this bowl of year 2020 Pfeifen Huber Virginia Golden Flake in a 1938 smooth straight brown patent Dunhill R 115 bowling ball apple with a tapered cumberland stem. Reading interviews with old TV stars.
Last smoke of the day is year 2020 Angler's Dream in a 2018 natural smooth medium bend Peterson 03 apple silver spigot military mount with a tapered black acrylic fish tail stem. I let Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave in to eat since Harry the Hairy scares them so much. I'm hoping that before long, being neutered will lessen Harry's aggressive attitude toward other cats. He's very affectionate and loving to m'lady and me. The others were under the deck when it rained, but apparently Harry wasn't, so I toweled him off, which he seemed to appreciate, and then I fed him. Tomato was always afraid of Sam the Scamp and her scampers for some reason, and perhaps when he realizes that they have new homes, Tomato won't run so fast to the door to go back out after he eats. Maybe he won't miss Sam, but we certainly do.
I'm enjoying KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem. I'm drinking Folger's Colombian and reading a book. Recently I modified my Zippo with a metal seal/gasket and I'm very happy with results. My fuel evaporates much more slowly now, and the flame is consistantly good.
I'm enjoying KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem. I'm drinking Folger's Colombian and reading a book. Recently I modified my Zippo with a metal seal/gasket and I'm very happy with results. My fuel evaporates much more slowly now, and the flame is consistantly good.
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How's that seal work and is it homemade? I've used coatings on the inner part of mine to some success.
Couldn't sleep, so I've been doing a few things, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2016 D&R Two Timer Gold in a smooth straight late 1970s Charatan Special 4148DC Reg. No. 203573 pot with a black double comfort vulcanite stem. Fed Daisy the Feral Princess and Harry the Hairy. The others weren't around. Fed my cats, too.
Good Morning!
The day started drizzly but was nice while we were untangling the electronet fence that one of the lambs got tangled up in. Once that was done we took a break just in time to be under cover for a heavy shower, no need to water this morning! I've started a Rob Roy filled with GLP Westminster to go along with my first cup of coffee.
How's that seal work and is it homemade? I've used coatings on the inner part of mine to some success.
I found this on Amazon:

Lighter Gasket Seal, Metal Repair Kit with Cotton Felt Pad, Anti-Evaporation Accessories for Lighter Insert, Silver​

It’s easy to install. Just 3 days of use, but so far, so good.
Last pipe was on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday were my travel days for work, so no pipe time then. Yesterday I took the day off to get a tooth pulled. The dentist didn't say anything about resuming the pipe, but I'm a little leery about it today. Any words of advice from my fellow bobs?
The dentist probably warned you against things like drinking through a straw as the area builds a clot and heals. I’d guess when it may be ok to smoke a pipe after that period.