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Brothers of Briar

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  1. sstodvictory

    Actor Glenn Ford

    "Blackboard Jungle" is in my backlog of purchased but unwatched DVSs. I bought it to an example of Vic Morrow's acting talent, beyond the "Combat" TV series. I'll have to watch that one next. Steve
  2. sstodvictory

    Pancake Bunny

    :lol: :lol: :lol: That's a good one, Mark.
  3. sstodvictory

    Pancake Bunny

    . The story of Pancake Bunny The photo that became popular on the internet 20" x 16" acrylic on canvas - one of a kind - that hangs framed in my bedroom, painted by my friend. The official journal of Oolong Photos: .
  4. sstodvictory

    New Additions...

    Love the Ardor Meteora. I can imagine smoking that while listening to "Pictures at an Exhibition", because that's what it reminds me of. Steve
  5. sstodvictory

    match case/carrier

    Some potential for confiscation at the airport, I would venture. Steve
  6. sstodvictory

    Fooling a Digger Wasp

    One way that I know my brain is bigger and more sophisticated than the wasp's, is that I remember where I have lost things in the I've lost my eye glasses for instance, I check all those places; ie. the freezer compartment of my refrigerator, behind the TV set, in my clothes...
  7. sstodvictory

    dark-fired tobacco and latakia

    fumo bro, what is the avatar? BTY, I smoke Mac Baren's HH Vintage Syrian a lot, but mostly blended with about 2/3 of various other tobaccos. I like the flavor of 100% HH Vintage Syrian, but it tends to present more tongue bite than can tolerate, thus the blending. Its definitely worth buying...
  8. sstodvictory

    My only Savinelli…

    Nice looking pipe. I recently sold a Punto Oro on Ebay, a smooth Dublin having that same type of shank and stem, in similar smoked condition. It went for $43. Steve
  9. sstodvictory

    Verizon Wireless CPNI opt out

    Just received an Email "from Verizon Wireless" containing an embedded link that is supposed to lead to a web page app for subscribers to opt out of sharing their private information with Verizon affiliates. You can also opt out by telephone by calling 1-800-333-9956. This number is not...
  10. sstodvictory

    A candidiate for the pipe with the most fills, ever???????

    Maybe it was rusticated, and then the maker decided to change it into a smooth. Steve
  11. sstodvictory

    Former-Eltang and Bently-Former's Design pipes

    This week at my local tobacconist's store I was introduced to the Former-Eltang line of pipes, which they had just begun stocking. This comes on the heels of a recent Hans Nielsen visit to the store. They reminded me a lot of the Bently-Former's Design pipes also stocked in the same store, and...
  12. sstodvictory

    Charatan Dublin

    I'm no expert on the brand (own a Special and a Supreme), but I think $440 for that pipe isn't much of a "win". More like total lunacy I say. Come to think of it, there was a full moon on July 15 when the buyer would have been watching that pipe. Steve
  13. sstodvictory

    A new Viprati . . .

    Beautiful pipe. Looks a bit heavy for my taste, but I have two Vipratis and love them both. Steve
  14. sstodvictory

    Something for you older guys

    Does anyone recognize the venue? Some kind of a time trial? Hill climb? Steve
  15. sstodvictory

    Increasing pipe size

    All I know is that if you buff it, the wood will warm up and it will get bigger. Steve
  16. sstodvictory

    Some organizational charts

    . I've only worked for two corporations, but a few of the charts shown at this link ring true for me. This one is my favorite though. I've been on the second rung from the top, and I believe I caught more of it than what is shown here...
  17. sstodvictory

    Noske Billard

    I just visited this pipe maker's web site and I really like everything that is on display. By any chance do you do the pipe photography for the Noske web site? They are exceptional photos. Steve
  18. sstodvictory

    Death of a Toyota seat - termites!

    . Several years ago I replaced the fabric driver's seat of my Toyota truck with a Recaro seat. I stored the original seat in a cardboard box in my garage. Yesterday I noticed the bottom of the box looked eaten away. I lifted some cotton rags that were on top of the box and - YIKES!! - there...
  19. sstodvictory


    I think I do this a lot just from normal exhalation while clenching my pipes. Smoke always gets blown out the bowl. Every once in a while I say "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers", and that helps. Steve
  20. sstodvictory

    BOB Official Cheapskate Thread

    I've washed my hair with dish washing liquid for as long as I can remember. Cheaper than shampoo and works just as well. Steve