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Brothers of Briar

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  1. sstodvictory


    Shallow tooth indentations or scratches can be buffed out, or nearly out, of vulcanite stems, and even with harder stems they can be made less visible by buffing. I smoke hands free a lot. For me the most important factor has been to keep only light weight pipes and don't go too long on stem...
  2. sstodvictory

    Looking for larger pipes under 100 bucks

    On my computer, the current Jones pipes you linked to look a lot redder than my pipes in person, but you are correct that its mainly on the rim that the photos look redder. Steve
  3. sstodvictory

    Looking for larger pipes under 100 bucks

    Pipes made by David Jones and sold new on Ebay tend to be hefty chunks of wood. That is based only on two pipes that I have owned, but his Ebay photos suggest that large pipes are his style. I bought the two below from Ebay for under $100 each. Most of the time he has 2-3 pipes for auction...
  4. sstodvictory

    Mac Baren Scottish Mixture

    I bought a bag of Mac Baren Scottish Mixture (from bulk) the other day. I like it. Here is a photo of it: In the hand and in the pipe it reminds me of a tinned tobacco I used to buy years ago, but I...
  5. sstodvictory

    Pipe corks? Does anyone use them?

    I have an ashtray with a cork, but never use it. Since I smoke mainly when driving, I just stick my pipe out the window and let the wind do the job. steve
  6. sstodvictory

    Bulldog Pics

    Two gorgeous Dogs. Nice photos too! Is the second one also a Nielsen? Steve
  7. sstodvictory

    Upshall B Dublin plateau

    Grade inflation, plus the prices have gotten out of hand. Pipes with grain that would not have merited a certain grade in the old days, are now being marketed in that grade, and at outrageous prices, at least on Ebay which is where the majority of the new US stock seems to be retailed these...
  8. sstodvictory

    David Johnson smooth/rust

    Yep...this time its a car floor mat draped between me and the wheel. At the time of purchase I did wonder if I'd like the partial rustication treatment, but it has grown on me. Steve
  9. sstodvictory

    shapes and the makers you associate with them

    Author - Savinelli (320 KS)
  10. sstodvictory

    Upshall B Dublin plateau

    . Here's a James Upshall B I picked up in the mid '90s. It has just been cleaned up, so time for photos! . . .
  11. sstodvictory

    W.O. Larsen acron

    . Here's a nice little Acorn I picked up at the Pipe & Tobacco Shop near the university campus in Little Rock, AR a few years back. I bought this as a vacation memento. Enjoy! . . .
  12. sstodvictory

    David Johnson smooth/rust

    . As of this month, David Johnson (Ozark Mountain Briars) has ceased making pipes due to wood dust allergies. I own 6 or 7 of his pieces. David's work was right up there among the best of US pipe makers in my opinion, and I will greatly miss his output. He had an elegant, neoclassical style...
  13. sstodvictory

    Are you concerned about our future...or the next week?

    Surrounded with earth revetment, maybe it could be an effective tornado shelter. This season I saw a crumpled steel grain bin laying in the middle of a field, and those are usually bolted to concrete slabs. Steve
  14. sstodvictory

    Wow !

    I once worked for a guy like that. He had collected cars for years with the idea of restoring them, and never got around to it. By the time he died, his barn was full of them. Steve
  15. sstodvictory

    My smokers, and future smokers,

    Regarding the second photo, its not clear to me if some of those pipes are supposed to be smoked, or played. Steve
  16. sstodvictory

    If your database will be relational, pay close attention to the formal rules of logical data modeling, and be thorough about trying to identify all the data entities that could eventually be in the model, even if they are not all implemented in the initial physical database (which is the usual...
  17. sstodvictory

    A few questions

    This may not be the answer you were seeking, but a sip is a shallow draw of smoke from the pipe into the mouth, and a puff is when you eject the smoke out of your mouth (but then, what is it called if the smoke is ejected out one's nose?). There's nothing wrong with short smokes, they just give...
  18. sstodvictory

    The FOX and the pussy

    Sorry...I have nothing risque to add. Maybe I was imagining it, but I think I heard harmony in that kitty choir. It makes me wonder how many tracks the creator had to merge to produce that. The dogs coming into the tune at the end to break it up was very clever. Nice vid! Steve
  19. sstodvictory

    Bent vs. Oom - How to classify?

    ... and the Ser Jacopo "INSANUS" does not count! Steve