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Brothers of Briar

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  1. DrumsAndBeer

    Brewdude Bomb!

    I am on the receiving end of a very generous package from Rande complete with tobacco (a tin of F&T Vintage and a humongous chunk of Night Train  :drunken:), an Ozark Wizard osange pipe w/sock, and a second gift that keeps on giving, Rande's latest musical production! RAD! Thank you, my...
  2. DrumsAndBeer

    Fabulous February Bombing Mission

    Trust me, Best to duck and cover. :lol:
  3. DrumsAndBeer

    Fabulous February Bombing Mission

    Bird's in the air. Info sent to command
  4. DrumsAndBeer

    Fabulous February Bombing Mission

    Order up!
  5. DrumsAndBeer

    Fabulous February Bombing Mission

    Hope this poor soul likes pipe tobacco! :twisted: 8)
  6. DrumsAndBeer

    Fabulous February Bombing Mission

    Too late to sign-up?
  7. DrumsAndBeer

    GLPease Meridian

    I agree, likely a compromised seal on that tin. Having had experience with Meridian, typically it's lightly moist from the tin. Since Meridian is a ready-rub or technically a sliced and tumbled cake, the moisture content should be on par with a typical C&D cake/flake.
  8. DrumsAndBeer

    McClelland Bulks

    Never got too heavy into McClelland bulk VA's unfortunately. I think I have 4 ounces of Red Cake and maybe the same amount of Classic VA. I have tins of Blackwoods Flake, Matured VA 24, Tudor Castle, CC and the blue labelled 40th Anniversary to see me through in measured amounts as long as I...
  9. DrumsAndBeer

    How do you choose?

    Put 10 tins in a line on the floor, all different blends, each a foot apart (you may need to do this outdoors but a hard surface is required). Get a penny or any coin for that matter and stand next to the tins. Take five steps back and flip the coin towards the tins. The tin that the coins lands...
  10. DrumsAndBeer

    Missing my Blackwood Flake

    Sadly McClelland is no longer in business, although knowing Pipes & Cigars they’re stilling taking back orders. ;)
  11. DrumsAndBeer

    Neil Peart RIP

    A huge influence on me as a young drummer in the 70's and 80's. One of rock-n-roll's all time greats. RIP Mr. Peart.
  12. DrumsAndBeer

    Penzance for trade

    I have an 8oz bag of Penzance for trade. Here's the kicker, I am looking for 8 ounces of Stonehaven. ;) If Penzance is your jam and you're willing to part ways with a bag of Stonehaven, drop me a PM. Cheers
  13. DrumsAndBeer

    To nog, or not to nog...

    No to the nog. Too filling. About the only drink I enjoy with milk in it is an occasional white Russian with homemade Kahlua.
  14. DrumsAndBeer

    Watch City's Xmas Ozark Wizard!

    Grabbed 4 ounces today. Looking forward to trying it. 8)
  15. DrumsAndBeer

    ODF is awesome

    I smoke a good amount of ODF. I agree, very good stuff.
  16. DrumsAndBeer

    What do you REALLY want for Christmas? Odds of getting it?

    Gretsch Broadkaster drums. Chance of getting them, 0.0% ;)
  17. DrumsAndBeer

    Have you ever...

    Actually, yes I have. I was 13 years old and slammed my thumb in door of my father's Dodge Aspen station wagon. You know what the worst part of it was? We were in the parking lot of the local music shop picking up my first real set of drums! I had to wait over a week for my thumb to heal...
  18. DrumsAndBeer

    SOLD: Peterson System Standard

    Oooo. That's going to make someone happy. 8)