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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Doc Manhattan

    What are you smoking?

    ERR in an LL Bean bent billiard. Picked a Bean to pick beans in the garden (happy accident.)
  2. Doc Manhattan

    Merry X Day

    Seems perfectly fnord normal to me.
  3. Doc Manhattan

    Pet Peeves...

    Saggy trousers do have their origins in prison attire, but not as a visual pickup line. Prison blues come in limited sizes and belts are generally not allowed. I used to have a laundry list of fashion pet peeves... then I worked a few years at...
  4. Doc Manhattan

    What are you smoking?

    Carter Hall in a cob, all day, all-American.
  5. Doc Manhattan

    Pet Peeves...

    It's a sure sign of a bad day when I arrive at work and I realize my boxers are on backwards. (I had a friend in middle school who bought that "krossed out" fashion hook-line-and-sinker. Not a good look. It makes me feel better to know that kids born when that album came out are now graduating...
  6. Doc Manhattan

    History Topic Guidelines

    If you're quoting or referring to another source, please list the source and (if digital) link to the original site. Please don't copy-and-paste entire articles. More than a paragraph, try to paraphrase and give the link. Posts that are primarily personal opinions about pipes/tobacco belong in...
  7. Doc Manhattan


    Hey, some nerd stacked up a bunch of ones and zeroes and left a shiny new topic down in yonder Pipe Rack. Go fill it with history (I'll be moving over a few of the obvious threads from the mother topic... when I have less PBR in the bloodstream.)
  8. Doc Manhattan


    Pipe History, eh? I can see it as its own topic; I can also see it as included in the existing Pipe Rack. Hard to talk about pipes without a little history. I'll take it back to the mods and we'll discuss. Might be helpful/persuasive if some interested parties plumbed the depths of the board...
  9. Doc Manhattan

    A Very Nietzsche Father's Day

    I, for one, welcome our new robot father overlords... Happy father's day to all dads and dad-figures, gents, human or more-human-than-human.
  10. Doc Manhattan

    Mozart on his own Violin

    I imagine there will be recordings and/or expanded video soon. Will try to be a good topic mother and track some down later to share.
  11. Doc Manhattan

    Mozart on his own Violin

    I'm not at all knowledgable on music of this era, but this is pretty cool--hearing Mozart's compositions on two of his stringed instruments, live in 2013. (Audio from NPR gets posted after the...
  12. Doc Manhattan


    Do you know where your towel is? (Happy Towel Day, everyone.) :mrgreen:
  13. Doc Manhattan

    What are you smoking?

    Finally the weather has conspired with my schedule, and I celebrated with a very large bowl of ERR in my Bannard (Sasquatch) Lugosi (a monster Hungarian.) I can never tell if a good pipe lessens my allergies, or just makes it easier to ignore them...
  14. Doc Manhattan

    Help is Available !

    The only thing missing is the formulary name of the drug in tiny italic type underneath it. DRUG (nohelpatall sulfate)
  15. Doc Manhattan

    What are you smoking?

    Owl Shop's Harkness Tower--mild lat with a little sweetness, in the 965 style--in my Secret Santa Growley billiard... been working this combo all week so I can finally properly break it in (not that it needed much of a push.)
  16. Doc Manhattan


    Howdy from Modville, everyone. I'm glad to pitch this to the Mod team as far as making a space for people to do bequests... probably a subtopic could be built somewhere logical. But will the BoB as an official thingamabob get into the will executor business? Almost certainly not. We try to avoid...
  17. Doc Manhattan

    Appointment with the Vet

    Our tomcat had an eye removed to keep an infection from spreading to the brain, then was hit by a truck... that was before we got him. Now, with his nice sheltered life, blammo, chronic urinary act blockage... four days inpatient, indwelling cath, poor kitty, poor wallet. We definitely crossed...
  18. Doc Manhattan

    I've had enough of this city!

    New York is a city of best-kept secrets without number. If you have the time and desire to explore them, and find ones you love, it can be a wonderful place. Note that I don't say you need money to explore these secrets per se... it's the day-to-day roof/clothes/food kill you by inches for time...
  19. Doc Manhattan

    Best Bartab ID ever

    Give Harlock a cigar--my Dewars drinking is indeed tribute to my grandmother (and the present state of my wallet.) Being Bar Pipe Guy is indeed a happy hour.
  20. Doc Manhattan

    Best Bartab ID ever

    I guess the briar sticks out a bit at the cigar bar. (Left the contact info legible because you should def. swing by the Owl Shop if you're ever in the Elm City... drop me a line, I'll buy you one if I can make it down.)