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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Doc Manhattan

    One Game.

    He's had some pretty bad weeks. He was due. Nice work, Cards. Being where I'm from, I can't officially endorse the Lady Cards tonight... I'd get treated like a Lee Greenwood concert in Tehran... but let's just say I wouldn't be sad to see Lousiville make it a double.
  2. Doc Manhattan

    RIP Barclay Rex Lexington!!

    Sad. That's where I bought my first briar. (Cue up the soft-focus flashback and "Dust in the Wind.") Is the one across from GCT on 42nd still open? That one wasn't as nice, but having two so close together might not be sustainable at Midtown rents.
  3. Doc Manhattan


    Glad your daughter is on the mend. And all respect to that donor, whose memory lives on in the noblest possible way.
  4. Doc Manhattan


    Lunt is a perfectly cromulent word.
  5. Doc Manhattan

    My Mom passed away last night.

    My heartfelt condolences, Rob.
  6. Doc Manhattan

    Significant others

    Because of the smell, or because it's full of rat poison (coumarin from the tonquin flavor)?
  7. Doc Manhattan

    Significant others

    Rollups are, indeed, just handrolled cigs. I think she smoked Bugler until I turned her onto the Daughters & Ryan products. Turkish ovals are a style of cig, usually a very mild tobacco mixture, in the eponymous oval-shapped tubes. UNfiltered in the varieties I saw (Nat Sherman and Philip...
  8. Doc Manhattan

    Significant others

    Before she was With Child, totally. She smoked rollups and Turkish Ovals as an occasional indulgence, and every so often something in briar got her interest. Now she'll just sit nearby to bask in the sidestream... though again, just blends she likes.
  9. Doc Manhattan

    Mug Shots -

    Here's my favorite self-pipe-portait, at an artist's residence in Vermont... And here's me keeping it slightly classier, in my part-time job. So if I ever say I've married a Radio City Rockette, I'm not lying, but it's not the way you assume. (Made the Society page of the New York Times...
  10. Doc Manhattan

    Guess the pipe smoker -

    Graham Chapman, I believe.
  11. Doc Manhattan

    Guess the pipe smoker -

    It must be a Peterson, because it's noted "thinking man" Bertrand Russell. This picture of the young Master Russell surely proves that a pipe will make a man of you:
  12. Doc Manhattan

    Happy Pi day!

    Celebrating Pi Day is irrational. 8) (Great soundtrack to that film, Clint Mansell from PWEI, England's Finest. Ah, the good old days, when Drum & Bass briefly flirted with the mainstream. Not the halftime dubstep noise these young whippersnappers nowadays have...)
  13. Doc Manhattan

    Sad Day in daBurg

    "Mr. Goddell, how do you feel about James Harrison leaving the Steelers?" "Fine. I'm sorry, what was the question? I hear that name and I automatically think fine."
  14. Doc Manhattan

    Pipe humor -

    Hmmm... Connecticut is an open carry state. "Sir, you can't smoke in here." "Oh, don't worry--it's a gun." "Ah. My mistake." (Exit, stage left.) "...Sucker!"
  15. Doc Manhattan

    What are you smoking?

    Some nicely aged McC Navy Cavendish (thanks, Kyle!) in a Lobnik nosewarmer horn. Enjoying the thaw.
  16. Doc Manhattan

    Absinthe Cocktails & Recipes?

    Absinthe and whiskey are not as horrible together as you might think--the great Sazerac cocktail is mostly rye, flavored with just a little bitters, absinthe, and sugar syrup. But if I have real quality absinthe, I'm going to take it with a...
  17. Doc Manhattan

    WooHoo!! Score!!

    This! I still love a strike anywhere, but the definition of "anywhere" has been greatly reduced. Proper strike-anywheres would work on anything dry and not too smooth. My favorite stiking media were newish jeans and the classic heel-of-the-shoe. A student of mine once reported success striking...
  18. Doc Manhattan

    RE: pipe rotation

    I've always been curious about degradation of Lucite stems... When Vulcanite goes south, you know it by looks/smell/taste. Did a little sleuthing and learned there is a shocking amount of research on, yep, the degradation of Lucite (PMMA). Makes sense, especially since tons of safety...
  19. Doc Manhattan

    Barbary Coast?

    Yes! BC is one of those blends that many reviewers report being difficult to light/keep lit. When I finally packed it right, those troubles dissolved, and I found the first tobacco I truly loved.
  20. Doc Manhattan


    With great power comes great responsibility, gentlemen. Besides, giving Kyle an avatar of a lady pig might... ...sow dissent. 8)