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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Psmith

    Dunhill My Mixture 965?

    Glad to hear you like it Cart. That cavendish in it rounds it out. You might like Apertif too. It's in the same ball park.
  2. Psmith

    You folks realize dunhill no longer is in tobacc

    Dunhill Cigarettes are probably the most popular brand here in South Korea. Go to any convenience store and you are bombarded with Dunhill ads and there must be about 15 different kinds of Dunhill smokes available. Most of them have Union Jacks all over them because they really try to sell the...
  3. Psmith

    Masters degree injury

    Hi Roy, The findings showed that the biggest reason teachers leave after 1 or 2 years is because of disappointment in school admin (a sense that admin doesn't care about them, is only focused on profit, does not communicate well etc..). The findings also show that teachers in international...
  4. Psmith

    Masters degree injury

    Its a masters in Educational Leadership. I have been studying rates of staff turn-over in international schools, reasons for it and ways to address them and hopefully minimize the rate of turn-over.
  5. Psmith

    Masters degree injury

    Lately I have been nearing the end of a masters degree so that has meant lots of time spent at a computer typing and clicking. About 2 weeks ago I began experiencing this sharp pain in my elbow and it always seemed to be after time at the desk. This Saturday it was intense...and it went from...
  6. Psmith

    First dip into McClelland's 5100

    I just cracked into a tin of Matured Virginia 27 by McClelland which I read somewhere is the tinned version of 5100. I snagged that tin at a tobacconist in a swanky hotel in Seoul, dated from 2011. It is my first foray into the world of McClelland virginias and I think I now know what Monbla...
  7. Psmith

    Favorite blends of low renown?

    For me that would be Sherlock Holmes by Peterson. It is not a blend that has received much love on TR or anywhere else. I will admit when I first bought it my reaction just under "meh". But I found, to my surprise, that it aged rather nicely. While at first it was a kind of colour-less dead...
  8. Psmith

    If you could smoke only one blend....

    Peterson's Perfect Plug!
  9. Psmith

    Kentucky and Latakia??

    Was browsing around on 4Noggins and noticed a new tobacco called Barlings which I suppose is either a reissue or a new offering based on the reputation of Barling pipes. Nothing about them on TR yet. One of them though is an English comprised of Kentucky and Latakia which intrigues me. I...
  10. Psmith

    Dunhill Durbar

    A couple of weeks ago I received a couple of tins of Durbar, considered to be an Oriental. Thought I would try my hand at a review. Here goes... The tin: The tin is round with a much appreciated screw top. It was definitely well sealed with slight depression on the top of the tin. The...
  11. Psmith

    Wessex Gold Brick...opinions?

    Thank you fellas for sharing your opinions. I'm going to get some in my next order. I really like plugs for a few reasons. Being a morning smoker I find the process of carving away at them with a swiss army while I sip a coffee wakes my brain up. It gives me something simple and manual to...
  12. Psmith

    Wessex Gold Brick...opinions?

    Since enjoying Peterson's PPP I'm thinking of buying Wessex' Gold Brick. The reviews on TR give some sense of it. Anybody here tried it and can let me know whether it is worth a purchase? I would be grateful.
  13. Psmith

    Pipe Shop in Korea

    Hey all, Thought I would just post for you guys the link to the one and only pipe shop in Korea. Its actually a really nice place with a lounge, good selection of tobaccos and, as you can see, quite a few brands.
  14. Psmith

    Merry Christmas from my Dunhill's to yours!

    Wow! What collections some of you guys have. I am green with envy. :no:
  15. Psmith

    For Fountain Pen folks

    What a coincidence. I just got a new fountain pen on Sunday. My wife bought one for me as a Christmas gift, a matte black Parker Urban with a converter, bottle of Quink and a couple of cartridges. The 200 dollar Waterman pens with gold tips were looking pretty nice but this 60 dollar Parker...
  16. Psmith

    Results are in

    Thanks bro. Writing Chapter 3...well should be instead of poking around in here. You know, concerning methodology, I wonder if I could consider smoking my pipe and pondering a legitimate method of study. It has had a considerable effect on my paper and produced excellent insights. Perhaps I...
  17. Psmith

    (Rock Me) Amadeus Pipes, Of A Sort

    Nice pipes! I'm also a fan of straight billiards. Perhaps you should smoke them while listening to Mozart. Here you go...a nice clarinet concerto written by the man himself to go with those basket finds.
  18. Psmith

    Learning about moisture and dryness

    Thats impressive Balkan Boy! I speak, read and write Korean too but I learned it from textbooks, night classes and on-the job pressure. I'm the translator at the Intl School where I work. Also, my wife is Korean so we speak a lot of Korean at home. I wish I could make it through Korean movies...
  19. Psmith

    Results are in

    Congratulations Stick! I am in the midst of doing my Masters in Education through Vancouver Island University. It's a bit tough because I am in South Korea doing it totally independently, except for residences in the the summers. I admire and envy you bro! Hearing your accomplishment gives me...
  20. Psmith

    My Impressions - G.L. Pease Sixpence

    Thanks for the review. Are there any other blends that you could compare it to? The only Va/per I have tried is 4Noggins Prairie Wind. Does it compare in any way? Cheers?