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Brothers of Briar

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  1. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    McC 40th Anniversary in my Neerup Cherrywood Sitter. :) AJ
  2. AJ

    Who Likes Aromatics?

    Besides some of the GH&Co. blends there are three that I like. Two are from the Russ's Monthly Blends series, Candy Corn, and Cinnamon Roll, and then there's Trout Stream. I can smoke all three as a stand alone blend but with the exception Cinnamon Roll I use them to mix with other blends for...
  3. AJ

    Favorite Fall pipe tobacco blend

    For me nothing better than a warm fire in the fireplace on a cool night with a bowl of Arango Balkan Supreme accompanied with three fingers of some aged sour mash over the rocks. Sadly I can no longer handle the sour mash so a glass of decaffeinated iced tea has to suffice. :) AJ
  4. AJ

    Advice for the new Piper

    Michael's advice is spot on. You follow his advice and you'll build a strong foundation that will support many years of pipe smoking enjoyment without breaking the bank. You'll find that he's a treasure trove of information about the best pipes and tobacco available. All you have to do is ask...
  5. AJ

    Hello "Brothers of the Briar"

    Welcome to the BoB! Glad to have you on board. :) AJ
  6. AJ

    It’s been about 10 years...

    Welcome back! It's always good to have a member return home. :) AJ
  7. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Ready Rubbed Match in my Golden Gate Dublin.  :) AJ
  8. AJ

    Happy birthday, Jevverrett!

    Happy Birthday! This should be one to remember because you have a new addition to your family. A great day to celebrate. I think I'll smoke a bowl of Tudor Castle in your honor. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: AJ
  9. AJ

    billmess....yup it's your day!!

    Happy Birthday! Make it the best ever! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: AJ
  10. AJ

    Arkansaspiper, October 4th is YOUR SPECIAL DAY!!!

    Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one. :cheers: AJ
  11. AJ

    Moving once again

    Good for you Jim.  With luck this will be your last move. I don't envy you at all. I HATE moving and Lord willing I've made my last one. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. Good luck! :) AJ
  12. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Savinelli's Giubileo D' Oro Flake in my Giubileo D' Oro canted Lovat.  :) AJ
  13. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Royal Yacht in my very old Savinelli Nonpareil 9101 Billiard. :) AJ
  14. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Peretti's DD in my Brebbia 1st Calabash Silver Spigot.  :) AJ
  15. AJ

    Storage and temperatures

    Adam I sure like the way your Uncle does things. The man sees an opportunity and runs with it. :cheers: :cheers: AJ
  16. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Frog Morton OTB in my carved bent Design Berlin Paneled Rhodesian with two silver bands and a  black acrylic twin bore 1/4 bent Saddle stem.  :) AJ
  17. AJ


    Well put Ted and besides we're not in grammar school. As long as someone can post decipherable threads why does it matter? Are we now being tested and graded on our writing/spelling skills? Lord help me if it has come to this. No offence intended idlefellow, but we're all here to get get along...
  18. AJ

    GBD Virgin Lovat Restoration

    As always another great job on a very desirable pipe. Great work Al! :) AJ
  19. AJ

    Storage and temperatures

    Lonecoyote's advice is spot on. It's the most economical way to address your problem and your pipes and tobacco will be at their best at all times if kept in a stable temperature/humidity controlled environment. :) AJ
  20. AJ

    Shout-Out to SmokingPipes Customer Service

    I've enjoyed SP's great customer service and products for a long time. Never anything but first rate service and a friendly voice whenever I phone them. They're always ready and willing to help. :) AJ