Part way through this bowl of vintage P. Lorillard Burgundy in a 2003 URAL full bend big bowl egg shaped Lattice meer with a black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
HH Old Dark Fired ( folded and stuffed, not rubbed out. I don't care for ready rubbed version....bitter & the aroma is funky ) in my restored LHS smooth chubby Scoop pipe with a silver band and a wide stem.
Now smoking K&K Winter 2015 in a medium bend egg 2017 Royal Meerschaum Dragon meer with a black and cream swirl amber colored acrylic stem. Phone chatting about pipe tobaccos.
Three Star Blue in my Don Warren Morta Poker Pipe with a straight shank and stem. This pipe was made to my specifications, as far as the size of the bowl and chamber dimensions. Great smoker and well crafted.
Relaxing after a wonderful spaghetti dinner with a bowl of 2012 Anniversary Kake in a smooth medium bend 1979 Chippendale (Charatan second) Rhodesian 49 with a black vulcanite stem. Watching the Braves-Mets game with Sleepy Suzy by my side. Molly is running around the den trying to catch a little flying bug. She'll get it eventually because she never gives up1
Yesterday, Capstan ONF in a Jarl Egg in the morning, and Grasmere Flake in a Grabow Omega in the evening. Today, D&R London Dock in a Storient Lee van Cleef meer this afternoon and War Horse Green in my old BBK (current avatar).
A quarter of the way through this bowl of RO Perique Series Blend B-41 in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305 with a black vulcanite stem and p-lip. Getting ready for work.
A third of the way through this bowl of C&D Crooner in a 2013 bent MM Missouri Pride Legend with a yellow stem. Working and listening to The Great Gildersleeve.
Just finished work and am now smoking Granger in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem. Phone chatting about pipe tobacco.