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Brothers of Briar

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  1. leacha

    Jim's Standard Tobacco Company Reviews.

    Same here. Hopefully enough is being produced to meet the initial demand.
  2. leacha

    what is your goto tobacco

    Smoked in anything and prepared anyway, it's always good
  3. leacha

    DGE Corncob Pipes (Review)

    While his cobs are outstanding his briars are truly magnificent.
  4. leacha

    By George - He's done it again (Ashton Old Church Restem)

    Again additional proof of George's skill.
  5. leacha

    Hearth & Home AJ's VaPer

    I just finished my last few ounces last week. If you like this blend another to keep in the rotation is Rolando's Own.
  6. leacha

    Broken Molar:-0

    Like Cart I don't have any of the back molars, top or bottom. When I was 20 I had one that couldn't be saved so it was pulled. 20+ years later, after another cavity I had the other three removed. With one gone you'll never notice it. All four? You'll never notice it. Save your $$$ on the crown.
  7. leacha

    The pipes of Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes

    I had a stem cut for my 309 to match the old catalog shape.
  8. leacha

    What are you smoking?

    The only thing better than burley in a cob with coffee is burley in a cob and a beer. Sounds like lyrics for a song.
  9. leacha

    McClelland Royal Cajun Series

    Like Ozark I enjoy the Ebony the best. While not in my regular rotation I like to keep a couple tins in my cellar for a change up. Here's the insert that came with one of my tins.
  10. leacha

    What are you smoking?

    I'm on my third bowl today of Two Friends' Heritage in my Falcon. Enjoying this bowl with a Michelada
  11. leacha

    Orlik's Dark Strong Kentucky

    I had purchased 5 tins and opened one. It was so heavily cased I only smoked one bowl. I've been opening the tin for a minute or two every couple days to see if it helps dissipate the flavor some. Based on others report's I feel I may have a bad tin or ??? Anyways, the other four will get...
  12. leacha

    Red Virginia recommendations please

    Alan, I came back and forth to this post 5 times trying to figure out what to recommend. The only items that come to mind are 5100 and McCrannies. (IMHO there the same, but that's another discussion). While Wessex Red Flake is good it just doesn't equal the flavors or price point of 5100...
  13. leacha

    Bulk Escudo or similar.

    Cartaphilus is correct. No Escudo bulk or anything close. Now if your looking for something similar, try Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake. When I say similar I mean they are about as similar as Marmite and Vegemite. I hope that helps.
  14. leacha

    who are we really

    But if the ship is in distress I hope we answer the call to help.
  15. leacha

    who are we really

    I'm just here, and on the two other boards I'm a member of, for some knowledge gained, news of happenings and ogle at the pipe and tobacco pictures posted. While I wouldn't be aloof towards someone seeking out friendship, I'm pretty content and happy were I'm at in my life. But don't get me...
  16. leacha

    What are you smoking?

    Today I'm outdoors working on spring clean up, cutting the grass, etc. So it'll be lots of coffee and Sutliff's Breckenridge in a Missouri  Meerschaum Nosewarmer 5th Avenue. Man! This is getting to be my top posted picture this month.
  17. leacha


    To reiterate, nothing wrong with online ordering. From what I've gathered, out of the "major" pipe players P&C is the worst with customer service, orders, packaging, stock, quality, etc. But so far my experience has been good. If you have a high end credit card that you used for your purchase...