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Brothers of Briar

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  1. MisterE

    Oregon Beach Sunset

    That looks wonderful! Enjoy your time there. :cheers:
  2. MisterE

    7.1 earthquake in Mexico City

    Hi guys, we are thankfully okay. The power just came on so I have no clue as of the extent of the damage city wide. We've been incomunicato all day without cellular servicE. My place was slightly damaged. Broken windows and a door fell off the hinges. Stuff fallen over etc. I haven't heard...
  3. MisterE

    how much water do you like to buy?

    I like it on the moist side. Seems to keep better over time, even if the total weight to volume might be a little less. I have no idea what the percentage would be.The HH ODF flakes are just about right. SG stuff is way too wet. The Patton blends (Stormfront, et al) are too dry. The Goldilocks...
  4. MisterE

    a coffee can, but with thick walls

    That particular seller has very small hands, so it might not be as huge as you think. That said, it looks big enough that it would never feel warm in your hand when you smoke it.
  5. MisterE


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  6. MisterE

    Tobacco What and Why?

    I'd say PS LBF for me. It hits the spot any time of the day. Why? Cuz I likes it. :mrgreen: What was Yak always saying? De gustibus non est disputandum. That.
  7. MisterE

    Fun, fun fun!

    Sorry to hear about that! My mom had a similar mini stroke a few years back and it was misdiagnosed as Alzheimers. It took them a while to figure out what it was. She's doing well now, though. It might even be a blessing in disguise if it gets you into a healthier lifestyle. Hang in there!
  8. MisterE

    Case in point.....

    I have a Velani Clásica Lovat that's a pretty good smoker. The drilling must be a little off because it's a whistlèr- yes, it whistles if you draw on it hard. I got it sometime in the early 90s. It las a lovely wooden inlay on the stem which I've never seen by any other maker. Like FTRPLT, mine...
  9. MisterE

    My smoking room

    Nice! :cheers: Is that a Peterson 264 I see there?
  10. MisterE

    This is NOT PORN, originally sold on Amazon

    Do you suppose she passes the pipe cleaner test? :lol:
  11. MisterE

    Rob_in_Mo, it was your birthday!

    Have a great one Rob :cheers:
  12. MisterE

    The British are coming, the British are coming. ;)

    :shock: Amazing find, Banjo!
  13. MisterE

    When a rose is a pipe

    A pipe by any other name is still a pipe, lol. :cheers:
  14. MisterE

    Hooray Scottie!

    Brava, Scotty! :cheers:
  15. MisterE

    Confusion abounds

    Early Morning Pipe after dinner is like wearing white dress shoes in January. Oh, and ne'er a grassy Va. blend between Thanksgiving and Ash Wednesday. ;)
  16. MisterE

    DoverPipes, it's your BD!

    Hope you had a great one, Sean! :cheers:
  17. MisterE

    Happy Birthday Scotties22

    Have a great one! :cheers:
  18. MisterE

    Hard days call for simple meals

    The perfect combination! :cheers:
  19. MisterE

    I got my butt kicked

    For a second there I was thinking three women had attacked you! You might need to get a full body armor suit for your next shearing.
  20. MisterE

    Some new woodies

    Me too! Nice job, Oz!