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Brothers of Briar

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  1. docwatson

    I was laughed at by the grandkids

    THANKS mark, and RB, that's fantastic information. There's some trivia that I'll be hard to remember but they did lead some interesting lives and really made an impression on me as a very young lad. I love the research you guys are able to dig up. Those were the days. Again, thanks for the...
  2. docwatson

    I was laughed at by the grandkids

    Exactly Ron. Even at a young age Sky King's "Penny" was a cutie pie. Where might they all be now??? I hate to think about that. Andy
  3. docwatson

    I was laughed at by the grandkids

    Sometimes I wish we could turn back the clock. Watching the original Superman on Friday nights on black and white TV was one of the highlights to start off each weekend.  :D 
  4. docwatson

    Jack Howell Pad - PFP Blast 2011

    Great looking pipe Al. That's your shape all day long. Nice addition. Andy
  5. docwatson

    Basil Rathbone's Peterson

    Thanks gentlemen for an excellent thread with the links to the great stories concerning Basil's pipes. Being fond of Peterson Pipes and having some handmade by Paddy Larrigan himself the stories and information are treasures.  :cheers:
  6. docwatson

    Happy birthday DoverPipes

    Happy Birthday you big lug. Hope you treated yourself to a special smoke.  :lol!: 
  7. docwatson

    The Old Snuff House of Fribourg & Treyer: 1720-1920

    That's a great find, thanks for the links. It would be great to have a hard copy, but it was quite a limited edition printing.  :cheers: :cheers: 
  8. docwatson

    Any Information About John Lakatosh Pipes?????

    NOTHING weird about that Ron. I have many pipes for the same reason. Sentimentality is a wonderful thing.
  9. docwatson


    Great looking striper. Those fish won't reach Northern New England for at least several weeks.
  10. docwatson

    Damn good stuff!

    Uhle's burleys are some of the best around IMO, next to L J Peretti's that is. Uhle's 255 and 300 blends are my faves, and when I look for a bit of licorice 255 does it for me. Mix 'em, match 'em and you can't go wrong.  :cheers: 
  11. docwatson

    ebay password scam?

    This old Buzzard got the notice as well. Went to the eBay site and created a new password. I couldn't log on otherwise and I have about 25 items ending shortly.
  12. docwatson

    What I found waiting on me upon arrival...

    Awesome stash. Month's of enjoyment there for sure.  :cheers: :cheers: 
  13. docwatson

    Hello from NY

    Sean, Thank You so much for the kind words and reference.  :oops:  You're making me blush. LOL
  14. docwatson

    Hello from NY

    Dave, I don't know if they have a web address for the club. Best to PM Sean (DoverPipes) for any information. I belong to the SHPC (Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club of Boston) and if you wish to read some of our newsletters at this link, feel free. And you are welcome to join us at any time you are...
  15. docwatson

    Hello from NY

    Not only will you get to meet Sean (DoverPipes) at the HVPC but you will be surrounded by the most talented and numerous American Pipe Carvers in the USA all belonging to one club. Bill Feuerbach, Paul Bonacquisti, Rolando Negoita, Joe Skoda and I'm sure I'm leaving someone else out.  :D  Andy C.
  16. docwatson

    Hello from NY

    Welcome Dave. Slessingers? The steak place up near Newburgh? With the Cigar Bar? If that's the place you are referring to, yes. It's a fantastic spot. And if you are in the upstate area please get involved with the HVPC (Hudson Valley Pipe Club) they are a great bunch of guys and would enjoy...
  17. docwatson

    The Ultimate VaPer

    There's nothing better than finding the perfect mixture, especially when it is hand blended by yourself. This is the way things USED to be. At L J Peretti Co. They have a journal/register that contains tens of thousands PERSONAL blends for customers of their establishment which dates back over a...
  18. docwatson

    lyons or dawes pipe

    I have one in my collection as well, unless I got rid of it and forgot. I always considered it the ugliest pipe I ever acquired and wouldn't even consider smoking it. No, I didn't buy it as a single acquisition, it came in a bunch O' pipes. LOL There was more than one manufacturer of this...
  19. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Thanks Lou, Hope to see you in Richmond which will probably be my next show, and then the fun show in Vegas. Hope Chicago was great for you. Nice article and photo of you in the New York paper about pipe smoking and the New York Pipe Club Blends. Congrats. Something positive for a change...
  20. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Glad to hear of your successful show Dave. Another shape 30 pipe you say! I love that seldom seen shape. Can I assume that it came from Chuck's collection?? And 6 pipes os quite a haul for sure. Congrats.  :cheers: 