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Brothers of Briar

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  1. AJ

    How Many Tins, Jars, or Pouches of Tobacco Do You Have Open?

    Don't rightly know but it's a bunch. :fpalm: AJ
  2. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Salty Dogs in my Design Berlin Gotha 40 Silver Spigot. :) AJ
  3. AJ

    May 17 new UK leglislation on tobacco advertising

    Soon they will be attempting to put cameras in your home to see if you're smoking around any family members. It's good to see you posting again Duncan. I used to read your postings before I became a member. I wondered what happened to you. Welcome back and I Hope you'll stick around for a long...
  4. AJ

    Another Olivewood

    Wow! Looking good :shock: AJ
  5. AJ

    Case in point.....

    Who's Aldo? Just kidding Ted but I've never I owned one. But I agree one doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg to get a superb smoking pipe. I have several that I paid less than $20.for and they smoke great. I've also paid a bunch of money for some pipes that are pure crap. That one of the...
  6. AJ

    Are you Happy with your Peterson Pipe(s)

    I have three Peterson pipes in my collection. A Pre-Republic billiard, a 2012 Kinsale Bulldog, and a 2015 XL-26 Silver Spigot and they all are very good smokers. Like you I've read horror stories about the newer pipes. One of mine is fairly old, another is a fairly inexpensive pipe, and the...
  7. AJ

    How Many Bowls of Tobacco do you Smoke Everyday?

    Most days 7-9 bowls a day however when I'm bothered with insomnia the numbers climb. One day within the last couple weeks I got up around 5:30 in the morning and didn't go back to bed until 9:00 AM the following day. During that period I smoked 18 bowls of tobacco. It took me three days to clean...
  8. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Half & Half in my Design Berlin Sand Blasted Egg. :) AJ
  9. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    HH Vintage Syrian in my John Aylesbury (made by Bentley) Billiard with silver band made by Les Wood. :) AJ
  10. AJ

    Have I Killed My Pipe?

    After cleaning the area inside the chamber I'd apply a coating of pipe mud and allow it to dry for at least 24 hours then continue to smoke it with caution. :) AJ
  11. AJ

    What Makes A Pipe A Great Smoker?

    Your input would be welcomed. :) AJ
  12. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    HH Vintage Syrian in my Neerup Sitter. :) AJ
  13. AJ

    How do you rub yours out?

    I usually just hold the flake between my thumb, index, and middle finger and rub it with my thumb in a rolling motion. I do this while holding my hand over an open empty tin or sheet of folded paper. :) AJ
  14. AJ

    Knife restoration

    Blackhorse and Lonecoyote are skilled knife makers. You might PM them and see what they can do. If nothing else they might know someone that can help. :) AJ
  15. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Ready Rubbed Match in my carved Edwards Liverpool. :) AJ
  16. AJ

    I'll probably never understand....

    One old codger replied to the question, "Do you want to die before your wife?", and contemptuously he replied, "There's absolutely no way I'm going to give that bitch cause to celebrate!" :twisted: :twisted: AJ
  17. AJ

    A Word About Perettii's DD Blend

    Richard: You'll be better served with a pound. If you decide it's too much just let me know and I'll take (buy) the extra 1/2 pound. :) ftrplt: I'm with you all the way on Tashkent. It's one of the finest Lat. blends I've ever smoked. I've never had the Cambridge so maybe I'll break my oath of...
  18. AJ

    What are you smoking?

    Peretti's DD blend in my smooth Design Berlin Junior Billiard with a black straight saddle bit stem made of acrylic. This pipe was a gift from my wife during Christmas of 2012. :) AJ
  19. AJ

    A Word About Perettii's DD Blend

    Read DrumsandBeer's review. :) AJ
  20. AJ

    i need empty tins

    Me too! :) AJ